English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

temor: fear; dread
tempano: ice floe: kettledrum; drumhead; drumskin; head of a cask or barrel; tympan; flat piece
of something hard; flitch of bacon
témpera: tempera
temperamental: temperamental; spirited
temperamento: nature; character; spirit; temperament; compromising measure
temperar: to have a change of scenery; to temper; to moderate; to soften; to go to a warmer
temperatura: temperature
tempestad: storm; tempest; uproar
tempestuoso: stormy; tempestuous
templado: lukewarm; tepid; mild; temperate; composed; steady; moderate; tuned; brave; firm;
calmy; courageous
templanza: moderation; restraint; mildness; temperance; sobriety
templar: to warm up; to calm; to temper; to moderate; to mitigate; to soften; to appease; to
anneal; to tune; to get warmer; to trim the sails to the wind; to blend or harmonize colours
templarse: to warm up; to become moderate
templario: Templar; Knight Templar
temple: nature; mood; cool-headedness; temper; tempera; tuning; humour; frame of mind;
courage; energy; decision; compromise; Order of the Templars
templete: shrine; bandstand; small temple; niche; tabernacle; pavilion; kiosk
templo: temple; church
tempo: tempo
temporada: period; season
temporal: temporary; short-term; worldly; temporal; secular; worldly; storm; tempest
temporario: temporary
temporero: seasonal; seasonal worker; temporary
tempranero: early
temprano: early; too early
ten: tener
tenacidad: tenacity; toughness; tenaciousness; pertinacity; firmness; persistence
tenacillas: sugar tongs; curling tongs; small tongs; tweezers; snuffers
tenaz: tenacious; determined; stubborn; hard to remove; persistent; difficult to get rid of;
adhesive; tough
tenaza, tenazas: pincers; tongs; tenaille; tenace
tendedero, tendedor: drying area; clothesline; clotheshorse; airer
tendencia: tendency; trend; drift
tendencioso: tendentious
tender: to spread; to lay; to hang out; to build; to set; ; to make; to tend; to stretch; to throw; to
build; to have a tendency
tenderse: to lie down; to stretch
tenderete: market stall; stand; booth; a card game
tendero: shopkeeper; storekeeper; shop assistant
tendido: spread out; hung out; lying down; made; set; laid; laying; building; cables; section; full;
uncovered tiers of seats; bedclothes
tendón: tendon
tendré, tendría: tener
tenebroso: dark; gloomy; sinister; tenebrous
tenedor: holder; possessor; fork; tenedor de libros: book-keeper
teneduría: book-keeper's; post of book-keeper
tenencia: possession; holding; lieutenancy; sucursal church; car tax

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