telefonista: telephonist; telephone operator
teléfono: telephone; phone; telephone number
telegrafía: telegraphy
telegrafiar: to telegraph; to wire
telegráfico: telegraphic
telegrafista: telegraphist; telegrapher
telégrafo: telegraph; telégrafos: telegraph office
telegrama: telegram
teleimpresora: teleprinter
telele: fit; stroke
telemando: remote control
telémetro: rangefinder; range; finder; telemeter
telenovela: soap opera; television serial
teleobjetivo: telephoto lens; zoom; lens
telepatía: telepathy
telepático: telepathic
telescopio: telescope
telesilla: chair lift
telespectador: television viewer
telesquí: ski lift
teletexto: Teletext
teletipo: teleprinter; teletype
teletrabajador: teleworker
teletrabajo: teleworking
televentas: telesales
televidente: television viewer
televisar: to televise
televisión: television; television set
televisivo: television
televisor: television set
télex: telex
telón: curtain; drop curtain; telón de fondo: backdrop
telonero: support; support singer or band
tema: subject; theme; motif; topic; text; stem; persistence; obstinacy; unreasonable animosity or
temario: syllabus; programme; program; list of topics; agenda
temática: themes; subject matter
temático: thematic; thematical
tembladera: shakes; a bowl of very thin metal or glass; jewel mounted on a spiral wire; torpedo;
quaking grass
temblar: to tremble; to shiver; to quiver; to shake; to quaver
tembleque: shakes; shaking; trembling; trembler
temblor: shudder; shiver; tremble; tremor; shaking; quaver; earth tremor
tembloroso: shaking; trembling; quivering; tremulous
temer: to be afraid of; to fear; to dread; to apprehend; to be afraid
temerse: to fear
temerario: reckless; rash; hasty; foolhardy
temeridad: recklessness; temerity; rashness; imprudence; foolhardiness; act of recklessness;
rash or hasty actions
temeroso: fearful; fearsome; dread; timorous; timid; cowardly; afraid; fearing
temible: fearsome; redoubtable