English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

terco: stubborn; obstinate; hard; intractable
tergal: Tergal
tergiversar: to distort; to twist; to pervert; to misrepresent
termal: thermal
térmico: thermal; thermic; thermical
terminación: ending; completion; finish; termination; conclusion; end; ending
terminal: terminally ill; terminal; terminus; end of the line
terminante: categorical; clear-cut; final; conclusive; positive; peremptory
terminar: to finish; to end; to terminate; to close; to complete
terminarse: to end; to finish; to run out; to terminate; to close
término: term; word; end; conclusion; completion; boundary; district; point; aim; goal; manner;
state; condition; términos: conditions; terms
terminología: terminology
termita: termite; white ant
termo: vacuum flask; Thermos
termodinámica: thermodynamics
termómetro: thermometer
termostato: thermostat
ternera: calf; veal; beef
ternero: male calf
terneza: tenderness; endearment
terno: three-piece suit; man's suit; ternary; triad; tern; vestments for the high mass; profane oath;
ternura: tenderness; softness; fondness; affectionateness
terquedad: stubbornness; obstinacy
terracota: terracotta
terrado: flat roof; terrace
terral: land breeze
Terranova: Newfoundland
terraplén: embankment; bank; fill; terrace; terreplein
terrario: terrarium
terrateniente: landowner; landholder
terraza: flat roof; terrace; balcony; border of a garden; sidewalk café; glazed jar with two
terrazo: terrazzo; ground; earth
terremoto: earthquake
terrenal: worldly; earthly; mundane; terrene; terrestrial
terreno: worldly; earthly; terrestrial; mundane; ground; land; soil; piece of ground; plot; terrain;
lot; field; sphere
terrestre: terrestrial; land; overland; terraneous
terrible: terrible; awful; dreadful; ill-tempered
terrícola: earthling; terrestrial; inhabitant of the Earth
terrier: terrier
territorial: territorial
territorio: territory
terrón: lump; clod
terror: terror; horror
terrorífico: terrifying; horrific; frightful
terrorismo: terrorism
terrorista: terrorist; terrorist
terroso: earthy; muddy: earthlike

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