long; a long time; dar tiempo al tiempo: to bide one's time; hacer tiempo: to wait; a su
tiempo: in due time
tienda: shop; store; tent; wigwam; awning; tilt
tiendo, tienda: tender
tiene: tener
tientas: buscar a tientas: to grope; to feel one's way
tiento: tact; touch; feeling; blindman's stick; swig; mouthful; steady hand; care; caution; blow;
preliminary flourish; maulstick; tentacle; tentar
tierno: tender; affectionate; fresh; blear
tierra: earth; land; ground; country; homeland; soil; region; district; landed property; tillable
land; piece of land; mould; dust
tieso: upright; stiff; rigid; strong; robust; tight; taut; valiant; stuck-up; uncompromising; firm;
obstinate; stunned; proud; hard; firmly; strongly
tiesto: flowerpot; plantpot
tifón: typhoon; waterspout
tifus: typhus
tigre: tiger; jaguar; genius
tigresa: tigress
tijera, tijeras: scissors; shears; sawbuck; sawhorse; backbiter; gossip
tijereta: earwig; scissors kick; overhead kick; small scissors; tendril
tijeretazo: snip; clip; cut with scissors
tila: lime tree; lime tea; lime blossom tea; linden tree
tildar: to brand; to cancel; to cross out; to put a tilde or dash over; tildar de: to accuse of
without being
tilde: written accent; tilde; dash; fault; blemish; defect; jot; tittle
tilín: ting-a-ling; hacer tilín: to please; to feel attracted
tilo: lime tree; lime tea; lime blossom tea; linden tree
timador: swindler
timar: to swindle; to cheat
timba: gambling session; gambling den
timbal: kettledrum; small drum; tambourine; timbale
timbear: to gamble
timbero: gambler
timbrar: to stamp
timbre: bell; timbre; fiscal stamp; stamp; seal; crest; deed of glory
timidez: shyness; timidness; timorousness
tímido: shy; timid; timorous; lukewarm; faint-hearted
timo: rip-off; swindle; cheat; thymus
timón: rudder; helm; beam; pole; tongue
timonel: helmsman; steersman
timorato: shy; timid; prudish; God-fearing; pusilanimous
tímpano: eardrum; tympanum; tambourine; glass harmonica
tina: earthenware jar; bowl; bathtub; vat; tub
tinaja: earthenware jar
tinerfeño: inhabitant of Tenerife
tinglado: shed; platform; mess; scam; intrigue; machination
tinieblas: darkness; ignorance
tino: aim; skill for finding things in the dark; sound judgement; wisdom; tact
tinta: ink; colour or pigment; dyeing; tint; hue; tint
tinte: dye; dyeing; dry cleaner's; veneer; colouring; false appearance
tintero: inkwell; inkstand; ink fountain