English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

tintinear: to tinkle; to jingle; to clink
tinto: dark-red; red wine; black coffee; dyed; coloured; stained
tintorería: dry-cleaner's; dyeing; dyer's trade
tintorro: cheap red wine
tintura: dye; tincture; dyeing; paint; smattering
tiña: ringworm; tinea; scald-head; meanness; stinginess; poverty
tiño, tiña, tiñera: teñir
tío: uncle; guy; fellow; tíos: aunt and uncle
tiovivo: merry-go-round; roundabout; carrousel
tipa: woman; girl
tiparraco: jerk
tipejo: jerk; ridiculous fellow
típico: typical; characteristic
tipificar: to class; to categorize
tiple: soprano; soprano singer; treble; treble guitar
tipo: type; sort; kind; build; figure; fellow; guy; character; typeface; font; rate; phylum
tipografía: typography; printing shop
típula: daddy-longlegs; crane fly
tique: receipt; ticket
tíquet: receipt; ticket
tiquismiquis: ridiculous or affected scruples or words; fussy person
tira: narrow strip; strap; throng; shred; comic strip; la tira: a lot; the cops; cop; plant
tirabuzón: ringlet; corkscrew; hanging curl
tirachinas: catapult; slingshot
tirada: print run; throw; cast; shooting; distance; stretch; series; tirade; printing; edition;
tiradero: rubbish dump; shooting post
tirado: wasted; cheap; very easy; long and low; running handwriting; wiredrawing; printing;
tirador: thrower; drawer; marksman; archer; fencer; bell pull; pull chain; knob; handle;
doorknob; catapult; slingshot; pressman; tiradores: braces; suspenders; straps
tiragomas: catapult; slingshot
tiraje: print run; draw
tiralíneas: drawing pen; ruling pen
Tirana: Tirana
tiranía: tyranny
tiranizar: to tyrannize
tirano: tyrannical; tyrant
tirante: tight; taut; tense; strained; strap; brace; trace; tie; tie beam; tie rod; truss rod; tirantes:
braces; suspenders
tirantez: tightness; tautness; tenseness; tension; strained condition
tirar: to throw; to cast; to fling; to pitch; to drop; to throw away; to give; to waste; to squander;
to fail; to fire; to print; to draw; to stretch; to withdraw; to overthrow; to take; to shoot; to go; to
pull; to attract; to excite love or interest; to have sex; to last; to endure; tirar abajo: to knock
tirarse: to throw oneself; to lie down; to spend; to lie down; to have sex with
tirio: Tyrian
tirita: plaster; Band-Aid
tiritar: to shiver; to shake
tiritona: shivers
tiro: shot; throw; range; report; shooting practice or sport; shooting gallery; team; rifle range;

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