draught; draft; physical or moral injury; innuendo; allusive remark; fire; direction of fire; harness
trace; length; flight; a tiro: within range; al tiro: right away; shaft; depth of a shaft
tiroideo: thyroid
tiroides: thyroid gland
tirón: pull; tug; haul; tug; jerk; tyro; novice; de un tirón: with a pull
tirotear: to shoot several times; to snipe at; to blaze away at
tiroteo: shooting; shoot-out; firing
tirria: aversion; dislike
tisana: infusion; medicinal tea
tísico: consumptive; tubercular; phthisical
tisis: consumption; tuberculosis; phthisis
tisú: lame; gold or silver tissue
titánico: titanic
titanio: titanium
títere: puppet; marionette; whipper-snapper; no dejar títere con cabeza: to destroy entirely
titilar: to twinkle; to tremble slightly
titiritero: puppeteer; acrobat
titubear: to hesitate; to waver; to stammer; to stagger; to totter; to get tongue-tied
titubeo: hesitation; wavering; stammering; staggering; tottering
titulación: qualifications
titulado: with a university degree; diplomaed; qualified; graduate; titled; so-called; titrated
titular: titular; holder; headline; to title; to entitle; to call; to name
titularse: to be called; to call oneself
titulares: to be entitled; to be called; to gain a university degree
título: title; heading; headline; caption; diploma; qualification; professional degree; desert;
certificate; bond; titre
tiza: chalk; whiting; calcined stag horn
tiznar: to blacken; to soil with soot; to smudge; to smut; to stain; to soil; to sully
tiznarse: to get black with soot; to get drunk
tizne: soot; smut; half-buried stick
tizón: smouldering piece of wood; firebrand; wheat-smut; stain; header
toalla: towel
toallero: towel rail; towel rack
tobillera: ankle support; flapper
tobillo: ankle
tobogán: slide; ramp; toboggan; sledge; sled
toca: headdress; cornet; wimple; coif; bonnet; toque
tocadiscos: record player; phonograph
tocado: crazy; nuts; slightly injured; bruised; touched; headdress; hairstyle; hairdo; coiffure
tocador: dressing table; dressing room; player
tocar: to touch; to feel; to lay hands upon; to find; to suffer; to play; to sound; to blow; to beat;
to ring; to move; to inspire
tocarse: to touch; to be in contact; to do or dress one's hair; to cover one's head
tocata: toccata; record player; phonograph; drubbing
tocateja: a tocateja: cash on the nail
tocayo: namesake
tocho: tome; boring book; rustic; crude; stupid
tocino: fatty pork; bacon; salt pork; tocino de cielo: dessert made with eggs and sugar
tocólogo: obstetrician; tocologist
tocón: stump
todavía: still; even; yet