torre: tower; belfry; bell tower; turret; belvedere;; pylon; house; villa; castle; rook
torrefacto: toasted with a little sugar; torrefied
torrencial: torrential
torrente: torrent; flood; rush of people; un torrente de: a stream of; a flood of; masses of;
torrente sanguíneo: bloodstream
torreón: large fortified tower
torreta: turret; pylon
torrezno: chunk of fried bacon
tórrido: torrid; scorching hot
torrija: French toast; bread soaked in milk, covered with egg and dipped in sugar or honey
torsión: twist; twisting; torsion
torso: torso; trunk of the body
torta: thump; slap; smash; fried or oven-baked flat cake; cake; sandwich; ni torta: not a thing
tortazo: thump; crash; slap; box
tortícolis: crick in the neck; stiff neck; torticollis
tortilla: omelette; tortilla; corn cake; pancake
tórtola: turtledove
tortolito: lovebird; devoted lover; green; inexperienced
tortuga: turtle; tortoise; terrapin
tortuoso: tortuous; winding; devious; sinuous; winding
tortura: torture
torturar: to torture; to torment
torturarse: to torture oneself; to worry
torvo: fearsome; fierce; stern; severe; grim; frowning
tos: cough; coughing; tos ferina: whooping cough
tosco: crude; coarse; rough, rude; uncouth
toser: to cough
tosferina: whooping cough
tosquedad: roughness; crudeness; coarseness; uncouthness
tostada: piece of toast; toast
tostado: toasted; brownish; tanned; sunburned; roasted; toasting; roasting; tan; brown
tostador, tostadora: toaster; roaster
tostar: to toast; to roast; to brown; to tan; to sunburn; to torrefy
tostarse: to get brown; to get tanned; to fry; to roast
tostón: bore; drag; pain in the neck; roast sucking pig; crouton; scorched piece of toast; toast
dipped in olive oil
total: total; whole; sum total; brief; in short; so
totalidad: whole; totality; aggregate
totalitario: totalitarian
totalitarismo: totalitarianism
totalizar: to amount to; to totalize
tótem: totem; totem pole
totora: bulrush
tour: tour
tournée: tour
toxicidad: toxicity
tóxico: poison; toxic; poisonous
toxicología: toxicology
toxicómano: drug addict
toxina: toxin
tozudez: stubbornness; obstinacy