topar: to strike; to knock against; to run into; to butt
toparse: to run across; to meet
tope: butt; end; buffer; bumper; stop; rub; trouble; difficulty; masthead; topmasthead; doorstop;
limit; sleeping policeman; row; quarrel; a tope: full; end to end; estar hasta los topes: to be
topetazo: bump; butt
tópico: trite; cliché; platitude; subject; for external use; topical; local
topo: mole; awkward person; dolt; polka dot
topografía: topography; surveying
topógrafo: topographer; surveyor
topónimo: place name
toque: touch; touchstone; chime; blast; beat; blow; tap; warning; admonition; advice; call;
sounding; ringing; joint; trial; proof
toquetear: to finger; to touch; to touch up
toquilla: knotted shawl; triangular kerchief; small toque
torácico: thoracic
tórax: thorax
torbellino: whirlwind; dust cloud; whirl; lively and hustling person
torcedura: twisting; sprain; small vine
torcer: to twist; to bend; to wrench; to crook; to lead astray; to corrupt; to distort; to pervert; to
turn; to make change his mind
torcerse: to twist; to bend; to be led astray; to go wrong
torcido: twisted; twined; bent; crooked; dishonest; warped; unfortunate; unlucky; twisted silk
tordo: dapple-grey; thrush; starling
torear: to fight bulls in the ring; to fool; to deceive; to make fun
toreo: bullfighting; banter; covert mockery
torera: bolero jacket; saltarse a la torera: to disregard
torero: bullfighter; bullfighting
tormenta: storm; tempest; turmoil
tormento: torture; pain; anguish; torment
tormentoso: stormy; tempestuous
torna: giving back; return; volver las tornas: to turn the tables
tornado: tornado
tornar: to make; to return; to give back; to come back
tornarse: to turn; to become
torneado: tuned; shapely
tornear: to turn on a lathe; to tourney; to muse
torneo: tournament; joust; gid; staggers
tornillo: screw; vice; vise
torniquete: tourniquet; turnstile; bell crank
torno: lathe; potter's wheel; revolving window; revolver server; revolving machine; turn; turn
around; drill; windlass; winch; en torno a: around; about
toro: bull; torus; toros: bullfighting; bullfight
Toronto: Toronto
torpe: clumsy; slow; awkward; heavy; torpid; dull; dull-witted; lewd; lascivious; infamous;
crude; ugly
torpedear: to torpedo
torpedero: torpedo boat
torpedo: torpedo; electric ray
torpeza: clumsiness; awkwardness; slowness; heaviness; dullness; stupidity; lack of agility;
mistake; blunder; lewdness; lasciviousness; infamy; turpitude