English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

tragón: greedy; glutton; gluttonous
traición: betrayal; treason; treachery
traicionar: to betray; to give away; to do treason to
traicionero: treacherous; treasonous; treasonable; traitorous; traitor; traitress
traidor: treacherous; treasonous; treasonable; traitor; traitress; villain
traigo, traiga: traer
trailer: articulated lorry; trailer
traílla: leash; lead; team; levelling harrow
trainera: fishing boat
traje: suit; dress; costume; traer; traje de baño: swimsuit
trajeado: spruced up
trajín: bustle; coming and going; carrying from place to place
trajinar: to bustle about; to hustle; to carry from place to place
tralla: whip; whipcord; whiplash
trallazo: whiplash; powerful shot; lash; crack
trama: weft; woof; texture; structure; intrigue; plot; scheme
tramar: to weave; to insert the weft in; to contrive; to plot; to plan; to hatch; to scheme; to
tramitar: to take the necessary steps to obtain; to process; to transact; to negotiate; to conduct
trámite: formal step; step; procedure; trámites: procedure; paperwork
tramo: section; stretch; flight; span
tramontana: north wind; vanity
tramoya: stage machinery; piece of stage machinery; scheme; trick; fake
tramoyista: scene shifter; stage machinist; trickster; humbug
trampa: snare; trap; pitfall; trapdoor; hinged section of a counter; trick; fiddle; fraud; cheat; debt
trampear: to swindle money; to trick; to deceive; to shift; to use expedients; to manage; to get
trampero: trapper
trampilla: trapdoor; door of a coalbin; fly of trousers
trampolín: diving board; ski jump; spring board
tramposo: cheating; lying; tricky; cheat; trickster; liar; con artist; bad pay
tranca: bar; cudgel; thick stick; crossbar; llevar una tranca: to be drunk; a trancas y
barrancas: with great difficulties
trancazo: blow; heavy cold; bad dose of flu
trance: difficult situation; critical moment; trance
tranco: long stride
tranquilidad: tranquillity; quiet; peace; peacefulness; calmness; stillness; composure; ease of
mind; reassurance
tranquilizador: reassuring; tranquilizing; soothing; reassuring
tranquilizante: tranquilizer; calming; tranquilizing
tranquilizar: to calm; to reassure; to quiet down; to compose; to soothe; to reassure
tranquilizarse: to calm down; to feel reassured
tranquillo: knack; coger el tranquillo a algo: to get the knack of something
tranquilo: peaceful; calm; gentle; quiet; untroubled; unconcerned; reassured; clear; casual
transacción: transaction; compromise; accommodation
transar: to compromise; to give in; to deal in; to buy and sell
transatlántico: transatlantic; liner; ocean liner
transbordador: ferry; transfer boat or car; space shuttle; transfer; transshipping
transbordar: to transfer; to change; to transship
transbordo: hacer transbordo: to change trains
transcendencia: importance; significance; penetration; perspicacity; result; consequence;

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