English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

trashumancia: seasonal migration
trashumante: migrating; moving from winter to summer paste or vice-versa
trasiego: bustle; activity; upset; disorder; transvasing; decanting
traslación: translation; moving; transfer; metaphor; tralatition
trasladar: to move; to transfer; to change; to remove; to postpone; to adjourn; to copy
trasladarse: to move
traslado: move; transfer; moving; removal; copy; transcript; resemblance; likeness; notification
traslúcido: translucent
traslucir: to reveal; to show
traslucirse: to be visible; to be translucent; to be inferred; to transpire
trasluz: light seen through a translucent body; gleam; glint; al trasluz: against the light
trasmano: second player; a trasmano: in the back of beyond; out of reach; out of the way;
trasmisión: transmission; broadcasting; transfer; conveyance
trasmisor: transmitter; which carries; transmitting
trasmitir: to pass on; to communicate; to broadcast; to transmit; to cede
trasnochado: outdated; stale; spoiled; haggard; wan; trite; hackneyed
trasnochar: to stay up late; to go to bed late; to spend the night
traspapelar: to misplace; to mislay
traspapelarse: to go astray; to get mislaid against other papers
trasparencia: transparency; transparence
trasparentar: to reveal
trasparente: transparent; see-through; obvious; clear; window shade; stained-glass window at
the back of an altar
traspasar: to go through; to cross over; to go over; to break; to violate; to transfer; to pass; to
move; to exceed; to sell; to pierce; to transfix; to transgress
traspaso: transfer; passing; moving; crossing; going over; piercing; transfixion; transgression;
transfer; sale; money paid for the transfer of a lease; grief; anguish
traspatio: backyard
traspié, traspiés: trip; slip; stumble; mistake; blunder
traspiración: transpiration; perspiration
traspirar: to transpire; to perspire
trasplantar: to transplant; to introduce
trasplante: transplant; transplantation
trasponer: to move; to go through; to transpose; to disappear behind; to turn a corner; to set
trasportador: protractor; carrier; transporter; transporting
trasportar: to transport; to carry; to convey; to transpose; to transfer
trasporte: transport; transportation; carriage; conveyance; transposition; ecstasy; rapture
trasportista: carrier; haulier; hauler
traspuesto: asleep; trasponer
trasquilar: to shear; to cut the hair clumsily; to clip, to curtail
trastabillar: to stumble; to trip; to reel; to sway; to stagger; to stammer; to stutter
trastada: dirty trick; prank; bad turn
trastazo: bump; whack; blow; knock
traste: fret; piece of junk; irse al traste: to spoil; to ruin; to destroy
trastero: boxroom; lumber room
trastienda: back room; rear; tact; address; cunning
trasto: piece of junk; utensil; little monkey; worthless person; tricky person
trastocar: to mix up; to change around
trastornado: unbalanced; deranged; disturbed; upset; disarranged

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