trastornar: to disturb; to upset; to turn down; to disarrange; to mess up; to win over; to persuade
trastornarse: to become deranged; to lose one's mind
trastorno: inconvenience; trouble; disorder; upset; derangement; disturbance; riot; disorder;
trastocar: to mix up; to change; to transmute
trasvasar: to decant; to transfer
trasvase: decanting; transfer
trasversal: transverse; side street; collateral
trata: trade; slave trade; trata de blancas: white slavery
tratable: amiable; approachable; courteous; sociable; reasonable; tractable
tratado: treaty; treatise
tratamiento: treatment; usage; form of address; title; processing
tratante: dealer; trader
tratar: to treat; to use; to handle; to manage; to know; to deal with; to be about; to have
acquaintance or friendship with; tratar de: to try
tratarse: to be about; to be
tratativas: negotiations
trato: contact; intercourse; deal; agreement; bargain; trade; commerce; form of address; title;
treatment; usage; dealing
trauma: trauma
traumático: traumatic
traumatismo: traumatism
traumatizar: to traumatize
traumatizarse: to be traumatized
traumatología: traumatology
traumatólogo: traumatologist
través: inclination; bias; misfortune; reverse; cross-beam; traverse; a través de: through; across;
de través: crosswise; across
travesaño: crosspiece; rung; crossbar; traverse; transom; bolster
travesía: journey; crossing; street; distance; passage; sea voyage; crosswise or transverse
travesti: transvestite
travesura: prank; frolic; antic; escapade; mischief; roguishness; archness; sparkling wit
traviesa<: railway sleeper; railroad tie; crosstie; sleeper; distance; side bet; transverse wall; cross
travieso: naughty; mischievous; frolicsome; prankish; roguish; cross; transverse; keen;
trayecto: way; route; distance; stretch; section; course
trayectoria: trajectory; path; course
traza: plan; design; project; scheme; contrivance; way; means; appearance; look; looks; skill;
trazado: plan; design; route; course; drawing; planning; tracing; location; layout
trazar: to draw; to trace; to design; to plan; to devise; to lay out; to sketch; to describe; to draw
up; to outline; to locate
trazo: line; stroke; feature; delineation; fold in drapery
trébol: clover; trefoil; tréboles: clubs
trece: thirteen; thirteenth; mantenerse en sus trece: to dig one's heels in; to persist in one's
treceavo: thirteenth
trecho: distance; way; stretch; space
tregua: truce; rest; break; respite; letup; intermission