túmulo: bier; tumulus; raised sepulchre; catafalque
tumulto: trouble; disturbance; tumult; riot
tumultuoso: rowdy; tumultuous
tuna: band of student minstrels; prickly pear; idle and vagrant life
tunante: naughty; little rascal; little monkey; loafer; vagrant; rascal; rogue; scamp; rascally;
artful; loafing
tunda: beating; drubbing; thrashing; shearing of cloth
tundir: to beat; to drub; to shear
tundra: tundra
tunecino: Tunisian
túnel: tunnel
Túnez: Tunisia; Tunis
túnica: tunic; robe; gown; long loose garment
tuno: naughty; rascal; rogue; singer or musician who belongs to a tuna
tuntún: al tuntún: carelessly; thoughtlessly
tupé: quiff; toupee; toupet; pompadour; cheek; nerve; brass
tupido: thick; dense; closely-woven; blocked; close; compact; dull; obtuse
turba: peat; turf; mob; crowd
turbación: shock; upset; embarrassment; disturbance; confusion
turbante: turban
turbar: to disturb; to shock; to upset; to embarrass; to confuse; to trouble
turbarse: to be disturbed; to become embarrassed; to get flustered
turbina: turbine
turbio: cloudy; muddy; blurred; dubious; shady; turbid; troubled; turbulent; indistinct; confused;
turbo: turbocharger; turbo
turborreactor: turbojet
turbulencia: turbulence; turbulency; turbidness; upheaval
turbulento: turbulent; troublemaking; stormy; turbid
turco: Turkish; Turk
turgente: swollen; turgid; turgescent; protuberant; prominent
turismo: tourism; car; touring
turista: tourist; economy class
turístico: tourist; touristical; touristic
túrmix: electric blender
turnarse: to take turns
turno: turn; shift
turolense: inhabitant of Teruel
turón: polecat; fitch; fitchew
turquesa: turquoise; bullet mould
Turquía: Turkey
turrón: name given to several types of sweet bars eaten at Christmas; kind of sweetmeat made
with almond paste; nougat; public office; sinecure
turulato: dumbfounded; flabbergasted; stupefied
tururú: no way
tus: plural form of tu
tute: card game; exhausting job
tutear: tu address as tú instead of usted; to thou
tutearse: to address each other as tú instead of usted
tutela: guardianship; care; guidance; supervision; tutelage; protection
tutifruti: tutti-frutti