troposfera: troposphere
troquel: die
trotamundos: globetrotter
trotar: to trot; to run; to hurry; to hustle
trote: trot; bustle
trovador: troubadour; poet; poetess
trozo: piece; bit; fragment; chunk; passage; selection
trucado: touched-up; souped-up
trucar: to soup up; to touch up
trucha: trout
truco: trick; artifice; stratagem
truculento: gruesome; truculent
truena: tronar
trueno: clap of thunder; thunder; thunderclap; loud report; detonation; harum-scarum; wild
trueque: barter; exchange
trufa: truffle; lie; story; falsehood
trufado: stuffed with truffles
truhán: rogue; knave; rascal; trickster; knavish; tricky; buffoon; jester
truncar: to cut off; to chop off; to cut short; to put an end to; to truncate; to leave unfinished
truncarse: to be cut short
tu: your; thy
tú: you; thou
tuba: tuba
tubérculo: tuber; tubercle
tuberculosis: tuberculosis
tuberculoso: tuberculosis sufferer; tuberculous; tubercular; consumptive
tubería: pipe; piping; tubing; pipes
tubo: tube; pipe; curler; roller; receiver; chimney; canal
tubular: tubular
tucán: toucan
tuerca: nut; female screw
tuerto: one-eyed; blind in one eye; twisted; bend; wrong; injury; injustice
tuerzo: torcer
tueste: roasting; toast
tuesto, tueste: tostar
tuétano: marrow; pith
tufo: stink; nasty smell; fume; reek; vapour; haughtiness; conceit; tufa
tugurio: hovel; dive
tul: tulle
tulipa: tulip-shaped lampshade; small tulip
tulipán: tulip
tullido: crippled; cripple; disabled; paralytic
tumba: grave; tomb; arched top of a coach; ser una tumba: not to say a word
tumbar: to fell; to bring down; to knock down; to lie down; to stun; to overpower; to fail
tumbarse: to lie down; to ease up; to give up working
tumbo: jerk; jolt; tumble; rise and fall; undulation; thunder; loud noise; ir dando tumbos: to
stagger along
tumbona: sun lounger
tumefacto: swollen; tumefied
tumor: tumour; tumor