English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

vedado: prohibited; forbidden; interdicted; enclosure; game preserve; warren; reserve; area of
private land
vedar: to prohibit; to bar; to forbid; to impede
vedette: star
vega: fertile plant; fertile lowland; tobacco plantation
vegetación: vegetation; vegetaciones: adenoids
vegetal: vegetable; vegetal; plant; salad
vegetar: to vegetate
vegetariano: vegetarian; vegan
vegetativo: vegetative
vehemencia: vehemence
vehemente: vehement; passionate
vehículo: vehicle; carrier
veinte: twenty; twentieth
veinteavo: twentieth
veintena: twenty; about twenty; score
veintitantos: twenty-odd
vejación: humiliation; molestation; ill-treatment; oppression
vejamen: humiliation; molestation; ill-treatment; oppression; humorous reprehension
vejar: to humiliate; to molest; to ill-treat; to oppress
vejatorio: humiliating; molesting; oppressive
vejestorio: old fogey; old crock; very old person
vejez: old age; oldness; peevishness of old age; platitude; old history
vejiga: bladder; pustule of smallpox
vela: candle; sail; sailing; vigil; watch; nightwork; night watch; watching the sick or the dead;
vigil before de Holy Sacrament; en vela: awake
velada: evening; social gathering; soirée; vigil; watch
velado: veiled; hidden; blurred
velador: pedestal table; bedside table; small table with one foot; watcher; guard; guardian;
wooden candlestick
velamen: sails; canvas
velar: velar; to watch; to keep watch over; to stay awake; to look after; to protect; to see to; to
mask; to veil; to hide; to expose; to fog; to blur; to stick out of the water; to glaze
velarse: to get fogged
velatorio: wake; vigil
veleidad: fickleness; inconstancy; whim; caprice; passing fancy
velero: sailing boat; sailing ship; swift-sailing; sailing; tallow chandler; sailmaker; sailer
veleta: weather vane; weathercock; streamer of a lance; fickle person
vello: down; soft hair; fuzz; pubescence
velloso: hairy; downy; villous; fuzzy
velludo: hairy; downy; shaggy; velvet; plush
velo: veil; shroud; cloud; taking the veil; velo del paladar: soft palate
velocidad: speed; velocity; gear
velocímetro: speedometer
velocípedo: velocipede
velocista: sprinter
velódromo: cycle track; velodrome
velomotor: moped; light motorcycle
velón: metal olive-oil lamp
velorio: wake; vigil; watch
veloz: fast; quick; swift; fleet; rapid

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