English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

coining press
volar: to fly; to fleet; to pass swiftly; to run fast; to make great haste; to go; to disappear; to
spread; to blow up; to flush out; to sack; to irritate; to exasperate; to raise
volarse: to blow away
volátil: volatile; flying
volatinero: acrobat; ropewalker
volcán: volcano
volcánico: volcanic
volcar: to knock over; to tip over; to turn over; to empty; to dump; to overturn; to upset; to
capsize; to tilt; to make dizzy; to make one change his mind; to irritate
volea: volley; whippletree
voleibol: volleyball
voleo: volley; slap or blow that makes one reel; a voleo: haphazardly
volframio: wolfram
volován: vol-au-vent
volquete: dumper truck; tilt cart; tip cart
voltaje: voltage
voltear: to toss; to turn over; to ring; to turn; to revolve; to knock over; to build an arch or vault
voltearse: to turn round; to defect
voltereta: somersault; tumble; handspring; turning in the air; tumbling
voltímetro: voltmeter
voltio: volt; walk; stroll
voluble: fickle; unpredictable; voluble; versatile; inconstant
volumen: volume; bulk; mass
voluminoso: voluminous; large; bulky
voluntad: will; wish; pleasure; willpower
voluntario: voluntary; volunteer; wilful; self-willed
voluntarioso: determined; obstinate; headstrong; wilful; self-willed
voluptuoso: voluptuous; voluptuary
volver: to come back; to return; to restore; to go back; to turn over; to turn; to direct; to aim; to
vomit; to translate; to make; to drive; to convert; to make a person change his mind; to push or
pull a door to; to reflect
volverse: to turn round; o come back; to return; to become
vomitar: to vomit; to barf; to eject; to belch forth; to break out into; to be sick; to disgorge; to
give up
vomitivo: emetic; revolting; disgusting; vomitive
vómito: vomit; vomiting
voracidad: voracity; voraciousness
vorágine: vortex; whirlpool; hurly-burly; constant activity
voraz: voracious; greedy; ravenous; destructive; fierce
vos: you
vosear: to address as vos
voseo: use of vos
vosotros: you; ye
votación: votation; voting; vote; ballot
votante: voter
votar: to vote for; to vote on; to vote; to vow; to swear; to curse
voto: vote; vow; wish; supplication
voy: ir
voz: voice; shout; rumour; rumor; word; term; vote; rumour; public opinion
vudú: voodoo

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