bisiesto: bissextile; leap year
bisílabo: two-syllable word; disyllabic
bisnieta: great-granddaughter
bisnieto: great-grandson; bisnietos: great-grandchildren
bisojo: cross-eyed; squint-eyed; squinter
bisonte: bison; buffalo
bisoñé: toupee
bistec: steak; beefsteak
bisturí: scalpel; bistoury
bisutería: costume jewelry; imitation jewelry
bit: bit
bitácora: binnacle
bíter: bitters
bizantino: Byzantine; hair-splitting; idle
bizco: cross-eyed; squinted-eyed; squinter
bizcocho: sponge cake; biscuit; hardtack; bisque
bizquera: squint
blanca: minim; half note; old copper and silver coin
Blancanieves: Snow White
blanco: white; hoar; hoary; pale; fair; target; mark
blancura: whiteness; fairness
blancuzco: whitish
blandengue: wimpish; wimp; spineless; soft; weak; without energy
blandir: to brandish; to flourish; to swing
blando: soft; gentle; mild; bland; delicate; cowardly; watery eyes; weak; puny; weakling;
spineless person
blandura: softness; gentleness; sweetness; endearing word; luxury; delicacy
blanquear: to whiten; to blanch; to bleach; to launder; to turn white
blanquecino: whitish
blasfemar: to blaspheme
blasfemia: blasphemy
blasfemo: blasphemous; blasphemer
blasón: heraldry; blazon; device; coat of arms; glory; honour; armorial bearings; charge
bledo: blite; me importa un bledo: I don't care a straw
blindado: armoured; steel-jacketed; shielded
blindaje: armour; shield; blindage
blindar: to armour; to armour-plate; to shield
bloc: notebook; notepad
blonda: blonde lace; blond lace
bloque: block;
bloquear: to block; to cut off; to blockade
bloqueo: siege; blockade; block
blues: blues
blusa: blouse
blusón: smock
boa: boa
boato: show; pomp; ostentation
bobada: stupid thing to do; piece of nonsense
bobalicón: silly; stupid; naive; gullible; idiot; fool; simple; nitwit
bobina: reel; spool; coil
bobo: silly; stupid; naive; fool; idiot; foolish; gullible; simpleton