English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

boca: mouth; entrance; opening; muzzle; taste; claw; boca abajo: upside down
bocacalle: street entrance
bocadillo: sandwich; bubble; balloon
bocadito: little bit
bocado: mouthful; morsel; bit; bite
bocajarro: a bocajarro point-blank
bocamanga: cuff; bottom part of a sleeve
bocanada: mouthful of liquid; puff; crowd
bocata: sandwich
bocazas: loudmouth; bigmouth; indiscreet talker
boceras: bigmouth; loudmouth
boceto: sketch; rough model
boche: uproar; brawl; small hole in the ground
bochinche: mess; noise; riot; tumult
bochorno: hot summer breeze; sultry weather; suffocating heat; blush; blushing; embarrassment;
bochornoso: close; sultry; embarrassing; disgraceful; shameful
bocina: horn; claxon; megaphone; bushing
bocinazo: blare; toot; honk; bellow
bocio: goitre
boda: wedding; marriage
bodega: cellar; pantry; wine shop; hold: dock-warehouse; grocery store
bodegón: still life; restaurant; cheap eating house
bodeguero: wine producer; wineshop owner; grocer; cellarer; one in charge of the hold
bodorrio: wedding with little ceremony; expensive and tasteless wedding
bodrio: swill; rubbish; garbage; soup made of leavings; poorly cooked food
body: body; leotard
bofe: lung
bofetada: slap in the face; buffet
bofetón: slap on the face
bofia: cops; police
boga: vogue; rowing; boce
bogar: to row; to sail
bogavante: lobster; homard; first rower
bohemio: Bohemian; Bohemian life
boicot: boycott
boicotear: to boycott
boina: beret
boj: box tree; bush; boxwood
bol: bowl; punch bowl
bola: ball; lie; fib
bolada: lie; fib; throw of a ball
bolchevique: Bolshevik
boleadoras: bolas; lariat with balls at the ends used by South American cowboys
bolear: to knock the balls about; to round up using bolas; to polish; to throw; to flunk
bolera: bowling alley
bolero: lying; liar; shoeshine; bolero
boleta: ticket; billet; ballot; report card
boletín: bulletin; form; subscription form
boleto: ticket
boli: ballpoint pen

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