English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

cohete: rocket; skyrocket
cohibido: inhibited; restrained; embarrassed; ill at ease; self-conscious
cohibir: to inhibit; to restrain; to constrain; to embarrass
coima: bribe; bribery; concubine
coincidencia: coincidence; agreement
coincidir: to coincide; to fit in
coito: coitus
cojear: to limp; to halt; to wobble; to be unsteady; to wobble; to be weak
cojera: limp; lameness; halt; hobble
cojín: cushion
cojinete: bearing; pillow block; small cushion; pad
cojo: lame; cripple; wobbly; unstable; weak; poor
cojonudo: fabulous
col: cabbage; coles de Bruselas: Brussels sprouts
cola: tail; train of gown; queue; line; last place; end; rear; glue; cola; kola
colaboración: collaboration; contribution
colaboracionista: collaborator
colaborador: collaborating; helper; assistant; contributor; consultant; freelancer
colaborar: to collaborate; to work together; to contribute
colación: light meal; comparison; conferring
colada: bucking; bleaching; buck; lye; washing; cattle run; narrow mountain pass; tap of blast
furnace; outflow
colado: filtered; cast; madly in love
colador: colander; strainer
colapsar: to bring to a standstill
colapso: collapse; traffic jam; breakdown; gridlock; crash
colar: to strain; to drain
colarse: to slip in
colateral: collateral; side; relative
colcha: bedspread; counterpane; quilt
colchón: mattress
colchoneta: camping mat; air mattress; long cushion
cole: school
colear: to wag its tail; to persist; to fishtail
colección: collection
coleccionar: to collect
coleccionista: collector
colecta: collection; collect
colectividad: community; group; collectivity
colectivo: collective; public; association
colector: sewer; collector; commutator; collecting
colega: colleague; pal
colegiado: registered; collective
colegial: school; pupil; student; collegiate
colegiarse: to join a professional association
colegio: school; academy; college; association
cólera: anger; rage; wrath; bile; cholera
colérico: choleric; irascible; angry; furious; bad-tempered
colesterol: cholesterol
coleta: ponytail; pigtail; bunch; additional remark
coletazo: flick; flap; blow; slash with the tail; death throe

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