English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

desempeñarse: to clear one's debts; to perform
desempeño: discharge; carrying out; fulfilment; performance
desempleado: unemployed; out of work
desempleo: unemployment
desencadenar: to unchain; to unfetter; to free; to unleash; to spark off;
desencadenarse: to break out; to break loose
desencajado: disconnected; out of joint; contorted; twisted
desencajar: to free; to disjoint; to dislocate; to unhinge
desencajarse: to be disjointed; to get dislocated; to come off its hinges
desencaminado: in the wrong track
desencantar: to disillusion; to disenchant; to break the spell on
desencanto: disillusionment; disenchantment
desenchufar: to unplug; to disconnect
desencuadernarse: to become unbound
desenfadado: carefree; uninhibited; casual; easy; unconstrained
desenfado: ease; freedom; naturalness
desenfocar: to put out of focus; not to focus properly
desenfrenado: uncontrolled; wild; unbridled; unrestrained; licentious; wantonly
desenfreno: lack of self-control; lack of restraint; licentiousness; wantonness
desenfundar: to draw; to pull out; to take out of a sheath or case
desenganchar: to uncouple; to unhitch; to free; to unhook; to unfasten; to disengage; to
desengancharse: to become uncoupled; to come loose; to come off drugs
desengañado: disillusioned
desengañar: to disabuse; to undeceive; to disillusion
desengañarse: to face facts; to become disillusioned
desengaño: disappointment; disillusion; undeceiving; disabusal; bitter lesson
desengrasar: to remove the grease from
desenlace: outcome; result; ending; issue; end; denouement; unravelling
desenlazar: to untie; to undo; to solve; to unravel
desenlazarse: to come undone; to end
desenmarañar: to untangle; to unravel; to disembroil; to solve
desenmascarar: to expose; to uncover; to unmask
desenmascararse: to take off one's mask
desenredar: to untangle; to clear up; to unravel
desenredarse: to disentangle oneself or itself
desenrollar: to unroll; to let down; to unwind; to uncoil
desenroscar: to unscrew; to uncoil; to untwist
desenroscarse: to become unscrewed; to work loose; to uncoil
desentenderse: to affect ignorance
desentendido: disinterested
desenterrar: to disinter; to dig up; to unearth; to exhume; to recall
desentonar: to be out of tune; to be out of harmony; to discord; to clash; to humble the pride of
desentrañar: to get to the bottom of; to eviscerate; to disembowel; to find out; to solve; to
desentrenado: out of training; out of practice
desentumecer: to loosen up; to free a limb from numbness
desenvainar: to draw; to unsheathe; to put out; to bare
desenvoltura: ease; grace; assurance; confidence; boldness
desenvolver: to unwrap; to unfold; to develop; to evolve; to unravel; to decipher; to clear up
desenvolverse: to come unwrapped; to manage; to act or behave with ease or assurance

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