English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

desenvuelto: unwrapped; easy-going; easy; free; brazen
deseo: wish; desire
deseoso: eager; desirous
desequilibrado: unbalanced; unstable; mentally ill person
desequilibrar: to unbalanced; to unhinge
desequilibrarse: to lose one's balance; to become unhinged
desequilibrio: lack of balance; imbalance
desertar: to desert; to leave
desértico: desert; desert-like; deserted
desertización: desertification
desertor: deserter
desesperación: despair; desperation
desesperado: desperate; hopeless; despairing; furious; mad
desesperante: trying; exasperating; maddening
desesperanzar: to deprive of hope; to discourage
desesperanzarse: to despair; to give up hope
desesperar: to despair; to cause despair
desesperarse: to despair; to be driven to despair
desespero: despair; lack of hope
desestabilizar: to destabilize
desestimar: to refuse; to turn down; to be scornful of; to disesteem; to misestimate; to
desfachatez: nerve; cheek; impudence; brazenness; effrontery
desfalcar: to embezzle; to detract a part of
desfalco: embezzlement; defalcation; detracting; diminution
desfallecer: to lose strength; to faint; to pass out; to give up; to weaken; to debilite; to faint; to
lose courage or vigour
desfallecido: exhausted; weakened; faint
desfallecimiento: weakness; faintness; languor
desfasado: outdated
desfase: difference; disparity
desfavorable: unfavourable
desfavorecer: to work to the disadvantage of
desfigurado: disfigured; blurred; distorted
desfigurar: to deform; to disfigure; to disguise; to cover up; to distort; to change; to alter; to
desfiladero: narrow mountain pass; defile; gorge
desfilar: to parade; to march in formation; to file out
desfile: parade; march past; defiling
desfogar: to give vent to; to slack lime
desfogarse: to let off steam; to give vent to one's feelings
desfogue: opening a vent; venting
desfondar: to knock the bottom of; to hole; to wear out; to bilge; to dig to a great depth
desfondarse: to fall through; to be holed; to run out of steam; to bilge
desforestación: deforestation
desforestar: to deforest
desgajar: to break off; to tear out; to rip out; to tear away; to break; to rent; to separate
desgajarse: to be broken off; to wrench oneself away; to break off
desgana: lack of appetite; apathy; lack of interest; unwillingness; reluctance; indifference
desganado: lacking appetite; apathetic; listless
desgañitarse: to yell; to shout oneself hoarse

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