English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

deshilar: to fray; to ravel out; to shred
deshilvanado: untacked; disjointed; disconnected; lose; desultory
deshilvanar: to take the tacking out of; to unbaste
deshinchado: flat; deflated
deshinchar: to deflate; to let down; to reduce the swelling of; to appease
deshincharse: to go down; to lose heart; to come down to earth; to unpuff
deshipotecar: to pay off the mortgage on
deshojar: to pull the petals off; to pull the leaves off; to tear the pages out of
deshojarse: to shed its leaves; to defoliate
deshollinador: chimney sweeper; long handle broom or brush
deshollinar: to sweep a chimney
deshonesto: dishonest; indecent; immodest; lewd
deshonor: dishonour; disgrace
deshonra: dishonour; disgrace; shame; seduction or violation
deshonrar: to dishonour; to disgrace; to insult; to defame; to violate or seduce
deshora: unseasonable or inconvenient time
deshuesadero: scrap yard
deshuesar: to bone; to pit; to remove the stone from; to break up; to scrap
deshumanizar: to dehumanize
desidia: lack of care; neglect; carelessness; negligence; indolence
desierto: desert; waste; wilderness; deserted; uninhabited; void; lonely
designación: appointment; name; designation
designar: to design; to purpose; to designate; to appoint; to denote; to represent; to call; to fix
designio: intention; design; purpose
desigual: unequal; unlike; variable; uneven; irregular; rough; broken; changeable; unsuitable;
arduous; difficult
desigualar: to make unequal; to make uneven
desigualdad: inequality; difference; unevenness; roughness; changeableness; inequality
desilusión: disillusion; disillusionment; disenchantment; disappointment
desilusionar: to disappoint; to disillusion; to disenchant
desilusionarse: to become disillusioned; to become disappointed
desimantar: to demagnetize
desinencia: ending; desinence; termination; inflection
desinfección: disinfection
desinfectante: disinfectant
desinfectar: to disinfect
desinflamar: to reduce the inflammation of
desinflar: to let the air out of; to deflate; to dishearten
desinflarse: to go down; to deflate; to lose heart
desinformado: uninformed; misinformed
desinformar: to misinform; to give misleading information to
desinhibirse: to lose one's inhibitions
desintegración: disintegration; break-up
desintegrar: to break up; to disintegrate; to split
desintegrarse: to disintegrate; to break up; to split
desinterés: lack of interest; disinterest; unselfishness; selflessness
desinteresado: unselfish; disinterested; uninterested
desintoxicar: to detoxify; to cure of intoxication
desintoxicarse: to come off drugs; o dry out
desistir: to desist; to waive
deslavazado: disjointed

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