encargar: to entrust; to put under the care of; to recommend; to charge; to urge; to order
encargarse: to take charge; to attend; to see to
encargo: charge; commission; job; errand; recommendation; warning; order
encariñado: attached; fond
encariñar: to awake affection or liking
encariñarse: to get fond of
encarnación: incarnation; embodiment; image; flesh colour
encarnado: incarnate; red; flesh colour
encarnar: to be incarnate; to heal over; to incarn; to embody; to personify; to bait; to give flesh
encarnarse: to unite; to incorporate with one another
encarnizado: fierce; fearsome; bloody; furious; bitter; hard fought; blood-shot
encarnizar: to make cruel; to infuriate
encarnizarse: to become infuriated; to fight bitterly; encarnizarse con: to persecute; to treat
encarpetar: to put in a file or portfolio
encarrilar: to put back on the rails; to put on the right track; to set right
encartar: to indict; to play a suit that opponent can follow
encarte: lead; having to follow suit
encasillado: typecast; set of squares or pigeonholes
encasillar: to classify; to distribute; to typecast; to assign to a voting district
encasquetar: to pull on or down; to hammer into one's head
encasquetarse: to pull on; to get into one's head
encasquillamiento: jamming
encasquillar: to put a cap on; to shoe horses
encasquillarse: to stick; to get stuck
encausar: to arraign; to indict; to prosecute
encauzar: to channel; to direct; to guide
encebollado: beef stew with onions
encefalitis: encephalitis
encéfalo: encephalon; brain
encefalograma: encephalogram
encenagarse: to get into the mud; to get covered with mud; to give oneself up to
encendedor: lighter; lightning; kindling
encender: to light; to set fire to; to ignite; to kindle; to burn; to inflame; to excite
encenderse: to burn; to be kindled; to catch fire; to break out; to blush; to redden
encendido: alight; burning; lit; switched on; on; red; flushed; ardent; inflamed; ignition
encerado: waxed; polished; oilcloth; oilskin; tarpaulin; blackboard; waxing
encerar: to wax
encerrar: to shut in; to confine; to hem in; to lock up; to enclose; to contain
encerrarse: to shut oneself in; to retire; to go into seclusion; to be closeted
encerrona: trap; plant; voluntary confinement
encestar: to put in a basket; to score
enceste: basket
enchapado: plated; veneered
encharcado: flooded
encharcar: to flood; to inundate; to turn into a pool
encharcarse: to become flooded; to be covered with puddles; to be filled with fluid
enchilada: enchilada
enchilado: seasoned with chilli; bright red; furious
enchilar: to season with chilli