enchinar: to curl
enchufar: to plug in; to connect; to turn on; to pull strings for
enchufarse: to get a sinecure
enchufe: socket; power point; plug; fitting; joint; connections; sinecure; easy job
enchufismo: string-pulling
encía: gum
encíclica: encyclical
enciclopedia: encyclopedia
enciclopédico: encyclopedic
encierro: confinement; enclosing; penning; seclusion; retirement; place of confinement; prison;
sit-in; stampede of bulls through the streets
encima: on; upon; over; on top; at the top; por encima: over
encimera: worktop
encina: holm oak; evergreen oak; ilex
encinta: pregnant
encizañar: to cause trouble
enclaustrar: to cloister
enclaustrarse: to shut oneself away
enclavado: situated; located; enclaved; enclave
enclave: enclave
enclenque: weak; puny; skinny; scraggy; weakling; feeble; sickly
encoger: to shrink; to contract; to draw back; to draw in; to dispirit
encogerse: to shrink; to curl up; to lose courage; to be intimidated; encogerse de hombros: to
shrug one's shoulders
encolar: to glue; to dress; to size; to clarify
encolerizar: to madden; to infuriate; to anger; to irritate
encolerizarse: to get angry; to lose one's temper
encomendar: to entrust; to commit; to commend; to recommend
encomendarse: to entrust oneself; to commend oneself
encomiable: laudable; praiseworthy
encomiar: to praise; to eulogize; to extol
encomienda: assignment; task; charge; commission; commandery; knight's cross; grant of land
made by a Spanish king; Indian territory committed to the care of Spanish colonist; praise;
commendation; care; protection; postal parcel
encomio: praise; encomium
enconado: fierce; heated
enconar: to inflame; to aggravate; to embitter; to anger
enconarse: to become inflamed; to rankle; to fester; to become embittered; to become heated
encono: resentment; ill-will; bitterness; rancour
encontradizo: hacerse el encontradizo: to try to meet someone seemly by chance
encontrado: contrary; conflicting; opposed
encontrar: to find; to meet; to encounter; to collide
encontrarse: to find; to come across; to run into; to encounter; to meet; to intersect; to be; to
feel; to agree; to find out
encontronazo: crash; clash; bump; collision
encopetado: upper-crust; upper-class; dressed up; dolled up; presumptuous; noble; aristocratic
encorajinar: to drive crazy
encorajinarse: to go mad; to become enraged; to blow one's top
encorvado: bowed; stooping
encorvar: to bend; to curve
encorvarse: to bend over; to stoop; to buck