endurecerse: to harden; to go hard; to become hardened; to become cruel
ene: name of letter N
enea: bulrush; cattail
enebro: juniper
eneldo: dill
enema: enema; clyster
enemigo: enemy; hostil; adverse; opposed; foe
enemistad: enmity; hostility
enemistar: to make enemies of; to cause a rift between
enemistarse: to become enemies; to fall out
energético: energy
energía: energy; power; strength
enérgico: firm; energetic; forceful; vigorous; active; emphatic; lively
energúmeno: madman; wild or frantic person; energumen
enero: January
enervante: enervating; annoying
enervar: to enervate; to exasperate; to sap; to weaken
enervarse: to become enervated
enésimo: nth; umpteenth; hundredth
enfadado: angry; mad; enfadado con: angry with; mad at
enfadar: to anger; to displease; to annoy; to bore
enfadarse: to get angry; to be displeased
enfado: anger; annoyance; displeasure; irritation; trouble; bother
énfasis: emphasis; stress; affectation in delivery
enfático: emphatic; impressive
enfatizar: to emphasize; to stress
enfermar: to fall ill; to make ill
enfermedad: disease; illness; sickness
enfermería: infirmary; sickbay; nursing; sick-quarters
enfermero: nurse
enfermizo: sickly; unhealthy
enfermo: sick; ill; diseased; patient
enfervorizar: to inspire fervour
enfilar: to line up; to aim; to sight; to straight down or up; to string; to enfilade
enfisema: emphysema
enflaquecer: to make thin or lean; to weaken
enfocar: to focus; to envisage; to direct; to approach; to shine on
enfoque: focussing; focus; angle; viewpoint; approach
enfrascar: to put in bottles
enfrascarse: to become absorbed; to become deeply engaged
enfrentamiento: confrontation; clash
enfrentar: to confront; to cause to face; to bring face to face; to meet; to clash
enfrentarse: to face
enfrente: opposite; in front
enfriamiento: cooling; refrigeration; cold
enfriar: to cool; to make cool
enfriarse: to cool; to become chilled; to get a cold
enfundar: to sheathe; to case; to muffle; to put away
enfurecer: to infuriate; to enrage; to madden
enfurecerse: to become infuriated; to get furious
enfurecido: furious; enraged