English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

encrespado: curly; standing on end; crispy; choppy; furious
encrespar: to make choppy; to stir up; to curl; to crisp; to frizzle; to anger; to madden; to
infuriate; to irritate
encresparse: to curl; to crisp; to frizzle; to bristle; to ruffle; to become choppy or rough; to get
angry; to run high
encrucijada: crossroad; crossroads; street intersection; ambush; snare
encuadernación: bookbinding; binding; bindery
encuadernar: to bind
encuadrar: to frame; to enclose with a frame; to place; to include
encuadrarse: to be set
encuadre: frame; framing
encubierto: veiled; shady
encubridor: concealer; accessory after the fact
encubrimiento: concealment; aiding and abetting; being an accessory after the fact
encubrir: to conceal; to hide; to cover up; to harbour
encuentro: meeting; encounter; clash; collision; game; match; find
encuesta: poll; inquiry; investigation; survey
encuestador: pollster
encuestar: to survey; to poll
encumbrar: to elevate; to raise up; to exalt; to climb to the top of; to idolize; to set on a pedestal
encurtidos: pickles
encurtir: to pickle
endeble: feeble; weak; frail; flimsy; fragile
endémico: endemic; deep-rooted
endemoniado: possessed; demoniac; devilish; very bad; wretched; awful; wicked; tremendous;
endenantes: before
enderezar: to straighten out; to put right; to sort out; to unbend; to fix; to punish; to address
enderezarse: to straighten up; to be directed to an end
endeudamiento: indebtedness; debt
endeudar: to drive into debt
endeudarse: to get into debt
endiablado: devilish; ugly; deformed; very bad; wicked; foul; furious; wild; complicated;
endibia: endive
endilgar: to lumber with; to subject to; to direct; to guide; to put; to lodge; to land a blow; to
spring something unpleasant on a person
endiñar: to hit; to lumber with
endiosar: to idolize
endiosarse: to get big-headed; to become haughty or proud
endivia: endive
endocrino: endocrine; endocrinologist
endocrinología: endocrinology
endomingado: dolled-up
endomingarse: to dress up in one's Sunday best; to put on one's best clothes
endosar: to endorse; to lumber with; to transfer to another person
endoso: endorsement
endrina: sloe; sloe plum
endrino: blackthorn; sloe tree
endulzar: to sweeten; to make more bearable; to make better; to soften; to ease
endurecer: to harden; to inure; to strengthen

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