expatriado: expatriate
expatriarse: to expatriate; to emigrate; to go into exile
expectación: excitement; expectancy; suspense
expectante: expectant
expectativa: expectancy; hope; expectativas: prospects; a la expectativa: on the look out
expectoración: expectoration; phlegm
expectorar: to expectorate; to cough up
expedición: expedition; dispatch; speed; ease; readiness; shipment; issuing; issue
expedicionario: expeditionary; expeditionist
expedidor: issuing; sending; sender; dispatcher; shipper
expedientar: to open a file on
expediente: file; dossier; investigation; action; proceeding; device; resource; expedient; excuse;
motive; reason
expedir: to issue; to send; to dispatch; to ship
expeditivo: decisive; expeditious; expeditive
expeler: to give off; to emit; to eject; to throw off
expendedor: vending machine; seller; spender; retailer; dispensing; vending
expendeduría: tobacconist's
expender: to sell; to retail; to spend; to pass counterfeit money
expensas: expenses
experiencia: experience; experiment
experimentación: experimentation; testing
experimentado: experienced; tested
experimental: experimental
experimentar: to try; to test; to experience; to feel; to undergo; to experiment
experimento: experiment
experto: expert; skilful
expiación: expiation; atonement
expiar: to expiate; to atone for
expiatorio: expiatory
expiración: expiry; expiration; end
expirar: to expire; ti run out; to pass away
explanada: esplanade
explayar: to extend; to widen; to dilate
explayarse: to extend; to spread out; to dwell upon; to amuse oneself; to open one's heart
explicable: understandable; explicable; explainable; accountable
explicación: explanation; reason; accounting for
explicar: to explain; to expound; to account for
explicarse: to explain oneself; to make oneself understood
explicativo: explanatory
explícito: explicit
exploración: exploration; examination; reconnaissance; scan; scanning; scouting
explorador: explorer; scout; exploratory; reconnaissance
explorar: to explore; to prospect; to reconnoitre; to examine; to scan; to scout
exploratorio: exploratory
explosión: explosion; blast; outburst; boom
explosionar: to explode; to blow up
explosivo: explosive
explotación: farming; cultivation; working; exploitation; development
explotador: exploiter
explotar: to exploit; to work; to run; to operate; to develop; to cultivate; to take advantage of; to