fálico: phallic
falla: fault; defect; flaw; break; Fallas: celebrations in valencia during which cardboard figures
are burnt
fallar: to pass sentence on; to judge; to award; to get wrong; to miss; to fail; to go wrong; to give
way; to break
fallecer: to pass away; to die; to decease
fallecimiento: decease; death; demise
fallido: unsuccessful; ineffectual; irrecoverable; uncollectable; bankrupt
fallo: mistake; miss; fault; verdict; ruling; decision
fallutería: hypocrisy
falluto: two-faced
falo: phallus
falsear: to falsify; to distort; to forge; to counterfeit; to slant a surface; to give way; to be out of
falsedad: falseness; falsehood; hypocrisy; lie; falsity
falsete: falsetto; head voice; plug; spigot; small communication door
falsificación: forgery; forging; fake; falsification
falsificador: forger; counterfeiter; falsifier; faker
falsificar: to forge; to fake; to counterfeit; to falsify
falso: false; untrue; forged; fake; counterfeit; sham; imitated; deceitful; insincere; treacherous;
perfidious; vicious horse
falta: lack; want; shortage; absence; deficiency; fail; fault; infraction; mistake; error; foul;
faltar;: to be lacking; to be needed; to be absent or missing; to be necessary; to die; not to go; to
be absent from; to be false to; to fail somebody; to break a promise
falto: lacking; short; devoid; wanting
faltón: disrespectful; rude
fama: fame; reputation; renown; rumor
famélico: starving; famished; hungry
familia: family; household; relatives; kin
familiar: family; friendly; overly familiar; informal; relative; relation
familiaridad: familiarity
familiarizar: to familiarize
familiarizarse: to familiarize oneself; to get used to; to get to know
famoso: famous
fan: fan
fanático: fanatical; fanatic; fan
fanatismo: fanaticism
fandango: fandango; row
fanega: measure of volume or land
fanfarria: bragging; bravado; boast; fanfare; brass band
fanfarrón: boastful; show-off; swaggerer; braggart; boaster
fanfarronada: boast; fanfaronade; swagger
fanfarronear: to boast; to show off; to bluster; to swagger
fango: mud; mire
fantasear: to fantasize; to daydream; to fancy; to imagine; to boast
fantasía: imagination; fancy; fantasy; imitation; vanity; airs; conceit
fantasioso: fantasizing; vain; conceited
fantasma: ghost; phantom; apparition; show-off; bighead
fantasmagórico: ghostly; phantasmagoric
fantástico: fantastic; very good; fanciful; vain; conceited