fauna: fauna
fauno: faun
favor: favour; service; support; help; succour; a favor de: por; in favour of
favorable: favourable; advantageous
favorecer: to favour; to favor; to suit; to help; to aid
favoritismo: favouritism; favoritism
favorito: favourite; preferred; best-liked; pet
fax: fax
faz: face; visage; aspect; obverse
fe: faith; assurance; certification; fe de erratas: errata
fealdad: ugliness; hideousness; badness; foulness
febrero: February
febrífugo: febrifuge
febril: feverish; febrile; hectic
fecal: faecal; fecal
fecha: date; day
fechar: to date
fechoría: misdeed; villainy; misdemeanour; misdemeanor
fécula: starch; fecula
fecundación: fertilization; fecundation
fecundar: to fecundate; to fertilize
fecundidad: fertility; fecundity; productiveness
fecundo: fertile; prolific; abundant
federación: federation
federal: federal; federalistic
federar: to federate: to federalize
federarse: to federate
fehaciente: irrefutable; proven; authentic
feldespato: feldspar
felicidad: happiness; felicity; good fortune; felicidades: congratulations; happy birthday; best
felicitación: felicitation; congratulation
felicitar: to congratulate; to felicitate; to wish joy to
feligrés: parishioner
felino: feline
feliz: happy; fortunate; good; felicitous
felonía: perfidy; treachery; felony
felpa: plush; drubbing; reprimand
felpudo: doormat; plushy
femenino: female; women's; feminine
feminismo: feminism
feminista: feminist; feministic
femoral: femoral
fémur: femur; thighbone
fenecer: to conclude; to finish; to die; to come to an end
fenicio: Phoenician
fénix: phoenix
fenomenal: phenomenal; great; wonderful; enormous; very well
fenómeno: phenomenon; freak of nature; prodigy; fantastic; superb; really well feo: ugly; plain;
homely; unbecoming; bad; dirty; serious; alarming; slight; affront
féretro: coffin; casket; bier