firma: signature; subscription; hand; firm; company
firmamento: firmament
firmante: signatory; signer; subscriber
firmar: to sign; to subscribe
firme: strong; firm; steadfast; road surface; roadway; tierra firme: mainland; firmes: attention
firmeza: firmness
fiscal: tax; fiscal; prosecuting; public prosecutor
fiscalía: public prosecutor's office
fiscalizar: to control; to inspect; to pry into
fisco: fisc; fisk; state treasury; tax authorities
fisgar: to snoop; to pry; to peep; to smell out; to fish
fisgón: nosy; snooper; prier; peeper
fisgonear: to snoop; to keep prying into other's business
física: physics
físico: physical; physicist; physique; looks
fisiología: physiology
fisiológico: physiological
fisiólogo: physiologist
fisión: fission
fisioterapeuta: physiotherapist
fisioterapia: physiotherapy
fisonomía: physiognomy; appearance; features; face
fisonomista: physiognomist; one who has a good memory for faces
fístula: fistula; tube
fisura: fissure; crack
flaccidez: flaccidity; flabbiness
fláccido: flaccid; flabby
flácido: flaccid
flaco: thin; lean; lank; meagre; weak; feeble; frail
flacucho: rather lean; thinnish
flagelación: flagellation; whipping; scourging
flagelado: flagellate
flagelar: to flagellate; to whip; to scourge; to lash; to flay
flagelo: whip; scourge; affliction; flagellum
flagrante: flagrant; gross; blazing; flaming
flamante: radiant; bright; flaming; brand-new; new
flambear: to flambé
flamear: to blaze; to burn; to flap; to flutter
flamenco: Flemish; flamenco; flamingo; insolent
flan: flan; solid custard; crème caramel
flanco: flank; side
flanquear: to flank
flaquear: to weaken; to give way; to lose strength; to lose heart; to be weak
flaqueza: skinniness; thinness; leanness; emaciation; weakness; frailty; failing
flash: flash
flato: flatulence; wind; sadness
flatulencia: flatulence
flauta: flute; flautist; flutist; recorder
flautín: piccolo; octave flute
flautista: flutist; flautist
flebitis: phlebitis