English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

granar: to seed; to go to seed
granate: garnet; garnet-coloured
Gran Bretaña: Great Britain
grande: big; large; tall; great; pasarlo en grande: to have a great time; a lo grande: in style
grandeza: great size; generosity; largeness; greatness; magnificence
grandilocuencia: grandiloquence; pomposity
grandilocuente: grandiloquent; pompous
grandioso: grand; splendid; large; big; impressive
grandullón: big boy; overgrown
granel: a granel: loose; in bulk
granero: granary; barn
granito: granite; small grain
granizada: hailstorm; iced drink
granizado: iced drink
granizar: to hail
granizo: hail; hailstorm
granja: farm; grange; dairy
granjear: to win; to earn; to acquire
granjearse: to gain; to earn
granjero: farmer; granger
grano: grain; spot; pimple; berry; seed; ir al grano: to get to the point
granuja: rogue; scoundrel; trickster; swindler; rascal; crook
granulado: granulated
gránulo: granule
granuloso: grainy; granulose
grapa: staple; stitch; suture; cramp
grapadora: stapler
grapar: to staple
grasa: fat; lard; grease; oil
grasiento: greasy; oily
graso: greasy; fatty; fat
gratén: gratin
gratificación: reward; bonus; gratuity; tip
gratificador: gratifying; rewarding
gratificante: rewarding; gratifying
gratificar: to reward; to give a bonus to; to tip; to gratify; to please
gratinado: au gratin
gratinar: to cook au gratin
gratis: free; for nothing; gratis
gratitud: gratitude
grato: pleasant; enjoyable; agreeable; acceptable
gratuito: free; for free; gratuitous; unfair; unfounded
grava: gravel; broken stone
gravamen: tax; impost; duty; burden; obligation; charge; mortgage; lien; encumbrance
gravar: to tax; to burden; to encumber
grave: serious; formal; low; deep; heavy; difficult; solemn; graves: bass
gravedad: seriousness; gravity; importance; graveness
gravilla: fine gravel
gravitación: gravitation
gravitar: to gravitate; to rest; to hang; to loom; to weigh upon
gravoso: expensive; costly; burdensome; onerous; annoying

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