gozada: absolute delight
gozar: to enjoy ; oneself; to have; to possess
gozne: hinge
gozo: joy; pleasure; gladness; glee
gozoso: happy; delighted; joyful; glad; gleeful
grabación: recording
grabado: engraving; carving; printing; print
grabador: engraver; woodcutter; tape recorder
grabadora: tape recorder
grabar: to record; to print; to engrave; to carve
grabarse: to record; to be engraved
gracejo: wit
gracia: humour; skill; grace; elegance; charm; joke; favour; kindness; gracias: thank you;
grácil: graceful; gracile; slender; small
gracioso: funny; amusing; fool; clown; joker; cute; graceful; charming
grada: step; row; tie; slipway; footpace; gradas: bleachers; terraces
gradación: scale; gradation; climax
graderío: rows; terraces; spectators
grado: degree; stage; level; extent; rank; year; class; brevet
graduable: adjustable
graduación: graduation; strength; proof; rank; grading; eye-test; prescription
graduado: graduate; certificate; graduated; graded; brevetted
gradual: gradual
graduar: to graduate; to gauge; to measure; to regulate; to test; to stagger; to serialize; to confer
a degree on
graduarse: to graduate
graffiti: graffiti
grafía: written symbol; spelling; graph
gráfica: graph; chart
gráfico: graph; chart; diagram; graphic
grafito: graphite
grafología: graphology
gragea: pill; tablet; sugar-coated pill
grajo: rook; crow
grama: scutch grass
gramática: grammar
gramatical: grammatical
gramático: grammatical; grammarian
gramo: gram; gramme
gramófono: gramophone
gramola: portable; gramophone; jukebox
grampa: staple
gran: grande>
grana: crimson; scarlet colour; seeding; cochineal
granada: pomegranate; grenade; shell
granadilla: passion fruit; passionflower
granadina: grenadine
granadino: inhabitant of Granada
granado: pomegranate tree; choice; select; distinguished; illustrious; mature; expert; tall; grown;