guacamole: guacamole
guachada: mean trick
guachimán: night watchman
guacho: illegitimate child; orphan
guadalajareño: inhabitant of Guadalajara
guadaña: scythe
guagua: bus; baby; trifle
guajolote: turkey
gualda: yellow; weld; woad; dyer's rocket
gualdo: yellow; weld
guampa: horn
guanaco: guanaco
guanajo: turkey
guano: guano; dung; palm tree
guantada: slap
guantazo: slap; bump; bang
guante: glove
guantelete: gauntlet
guantera: glove compartment
guaperas: good-looking; handsome
guapo: good-looking; handsome; pretty; attractive; love; honey
guapura: good looks
guarango: coarse; vulgar
guarapo: sugar-cane juice
guarda: guard; keeper; guardianship; trust; custody; observance; flyleaf; outside rib of a fan; bus
guardabarros: mudguard; fender
guardabosques: forest ranger; forester; gamekeeper
guardacoches: parking attendant
guardacostas: coastguard boat; coastguard
guardaespaldas: bodyguard
guardagujas: signalworker; switchman
guardameta: goalkeeper
guardamuebles: furniture warehouse
guardapolvo: overalls; apron; skirting board
guardar: to guard; to keep; to put away; to store; to save; to keep watch over; to observe
guardarse: guardarse de hacer algo: to avoid doing something
guardarropa: wardrobe; cloakroom; checkroom
guardarropía: wardrobe
guardería: nursery; crèche
guardia: guard; watch; defence; protection; duty; policeman
guardián: guard; guardian; watchman; keeper
guarecer: to protect; to shelter; to preserve from harm
guarecerse: to take shelter
guarida: hideout; lair; den; hide-out; shelter; cover
guarismo: figure; number; cipher
guarnecer: to protect; to garrison; to adorn; to decorate; to garnish; to equip; ti furnish; to
provide; to trim; to bind; to edge; to enchase; to reinforce
guarnición: garnish; side dish; garrison; mount; setting; trimming; binding; edge; facing;
flounce; garniture
guarrada: dirty thing; dirty trick