guarrería: filth; muck; filthy thing
guarro: filthy; disgusting; pig; sow; hog; swine
guarura: bodyguard
guasa: humour; irony; fun; mocking; estar de guasa: to be joking
guasearse: to take the mickey out of; to make fun
guaso: rude person; boor; rude; gross; coarse; unpolished; uncivil; peasant
guasón: joker; teaser; jester; mocking
guata: wadding; padding; cotton wool
guateado: padded
Guatemala: Guatemala
guatemalteco: Guatemalan
guateque: party; frolic; spree
guau: woof; wow
guay: cool; neat; alack
guayaba: guava; lie
guayabera: jacket
guayabo: guava tree
Guayana: Guiana
guayín: van
gubernamental: governmental; government
gubernativo: government; administrative; gubernatorial
gubia: gouge
guedeja: long hair; lion's mane
guepardo: cheetah
güero: blond; blonde; fair; fair-headed
guerra: war; warfare; struggle; conflict
guerrear: to war; to wage war; to battle; to struggle
guerrera: tunic
guerrero: warrior; soldier; warlike; martial
guerrilla: guerrilla group
guerrillero: guerrilla
güevón: idiot
guía: guide; telephone book; stake; runner; guy; leader
guiar: to guide; to lead; to direct; to drive; to steer; to pilot
guiarse: to guide oneself; guiarse por: to be guided by; to follow something
guijarro: pebble; cobble; cobblestone
guillado: crazy; nut
guillotina: guillotine
guinda: morello cherry; finishing touch
guindilla: chilli
Guinea: Guinea
guineano: Guinean
guineo: banana
guiñapo: wreck; rag; tatter; despicable person
guiñar: to wink; to squint; to yaw; to lurch
guiño: wink
guiñol: puppet theater; puppet show
guión: script; hyphen; dash; outline; notes; cross; banner; leader; guide; loom
guionista: scriptwriter
guipar: to see
guipuzcoano: inhabitant of Guipuzcoa