English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

lanzacohetes: rocket launcher
lanzadera: shuttle
lanzado: forward; fearless; strong-willed; self-assured; confident; very fast
lanzagranadas: grenade launcher
lanzallamas: flame thrower
lanzamiento: throwing; launching; launch; throw; kick; pitch; release; delivery; eviction
lanzamisiles: rocket launcher; missile launcher
lanzar: to throw; to hurl; to fling; to kick; to drop; to fire; to launch; to let out; to heave; to
release; to utter; to issue; to give; to cast; to evict
lanzarse: to throw oneself; to dart; to launch; to jump; to leap; to rush
lapa: limpet; burdock
lapicera: biro; pen; pen holder
lapicero: pencil; propelling pencil; pen holder
lápida: tombstone; gravestone; headstone; tablet; memorial stone
lapidar: to lapidate; to stone to death
lapidario: solemn; weighty; lapidary; dealer in gems
lápiz: pencil; crayon; lápiz de labios: lipstick
lapón: Lapp; Laplander; Lappish
Laponia: Lapland
lapso: space; interval; period; slip; fall
lapsus: lapse; slip; mistake
lar: lar; fireplace; lares: home
largas: dar largas a: to delay; to postpone
largar: to pay out; to let out; to give; to deal; to palm off; to chatter; to utter; to deliver; to unfurl
largarse: to clear off; to beat it; to leave
largavistas: binoculars
largo: long; large; tall; length; extended; generous; copious; abundant; ¡largo!: get out of here;
ponerse de largo: to debut; pasar de largo: to pass by
largometraje: feature film
larguero: main beam; crossbar; side; jamb; upright; sidepiece; longeron; spar; bolster
largueza: generosity; liberality; length
larguirucho: lanky; tall
largura: length
laringe: larynx
laringitis: laryngitis
larva: larva
las: the; them
lasaña: lasagne; lasagna
lascivo: lascivious; lewd; lecherous; lustful; wanton; playful
láser: laser
lasitud: weariness; lassitude; languor
lástima: pity; shame; compassion; plaint; lamentation; qué lástima: what a shame
lastimar: to hurt; to injure; to damage; to bruise; to pity
lastimarse: to hurt oneself; to feel sorry for; to complain
lastimero: doleful; plaintive; sad; sorrowful; mournful; hurtful
lastimoso: pitiful; woeful; sad; piteous; disgraceful
lastre: ballast; burden; encumbrance
lata: can; tin; pain; bore; drag
latazo: nuisance
latente: latent
lateral: lateral: side; outer aisle; service road; right back; left back

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