English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

ladrón: thief; robber; burglar; thieving; adapter
ladronzuelo: petty thief; pilferer; pickpocket; young thief
lagar: wine press; olive press; apple press
lagarta: female lizard; cunning and sly woman
lagartija: small lizard; wall lizard
lagarto: lizard; cunning and sly fellow
lago: lake
lágrima: tear; teardrop; drop
lagrimal: corner of the eye; medial angle of the eye
lagrimoso: filled with tears; watery
laguna: lagoon; small lake; lakelet; gap; blank; lacuna; loophole
laico: lay; secular; secularistic; laic
lama: lama; slime; silt; ooze; gold or silver tissue
lamber: to lick
lamé: lamé
lamentable: terribly sad; lamentable; deplorable; pitiful; appalling; dreadful
lamentación: complaint; lamentation; lament; wail
lamentar: to regret; to lament; to deplore; to be sorry about
lamentarse: to lament; to wail, to complain
lamento: moan; lament; lamentation; wail
lamer: to lick; to lap
lamerse: to lick oneself
lametón: lick; greedy licking
lamido: lick; skinny
lámina: sheet; plate; slice; engraving; print; picture
laminar: to roll; to laminate
lámpara: lamp; bulb; light; valve; tube; grease stain
lamparilla: small lamp; night lamp; aspen
lamparón: grease stain; scrofula; a disease of horses
lampiño: beardless; hairless; smooth-cheeked
lampista: plumber
lamprea: lamprey
lana: wool; fleece; dosh; dough; money; de lana: woollen
lanar: wool-bearing; ganado lanar: sheep
lance: incident; event; dispute; critical situation; episode; throw; cast; catch; move; turn; skilled
play of the cape
lanceolado: lanceolate
lancero: lancer; spearman; rack for lances
lanceta: sting; lancet
lancha: launch; boat; flagstone
lanero: wool; dealer in wool
langosta: lobster; locust
langostino: king prawn; salt-water prawn
languidecer: to languish; to pine away; to weaken; to fail; to dry up; to flag
languidez: listlessness; disinterest; languor; languidness
lánguido: listless; disinterested; languid; faint; weak
lanilla: flannel; nap of cloth; a light woollen fabric
lanolina: lanolin
lanoso: woolly; wooly; furry
lanudo: woolly; wooly; fleecy
lanza: spear; lance; pole of a carriage; nozzle of a hose

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