living: living room
liza: contest; fray; combat
llaga: sore; ulcer; joint; seam
llama: flame; blaze; llama
llamada: call; calling; summons; knock; ring; sign; signal; reference; pull; mark; chamade
llamado: called; calling; summons; appeal
llamador: caller; messenger; knocker; push button; bell push
llamamiento: appeal; plea; call; calling; summons; convocation
llamar: to call; to phone; to name; to attract; to destine; to knock; to ring the bell
llamarse: to be called or named; ¿cómo te llamas?: what's your name; me llamo John: my
name is John
llamarada: flare-up; surge of flame; surge; sudden blaze; burst; sudden flush
llamativo: showy; flashy; gaudy; attracting attention; noticeable; striking
llameante: blazing; flaming
llamear: to blaze; to flame
llana: trowel; plain; flatland; page of a writing
llaneza: informality; simplicity; directness; plainness; familiarity
llano: flat; even; level; smooth; easy; unobstructed; plain, unadorned; open; frank; simple; clear;
evident; accented on the penultimate syllable; common; ordinary; unaffected; straightforward
llanta: long flat piece of iron; steel tire; metal rim; tire; tyre
llanto: crying; weeping; tears
llanura: plain; flatland; evenness; flatness
llave: key; cock; faucet; wrench; spanner; lock; gunlock; clock winder; piston; clef; brace; span
of the hand; switch; control valve; tap; hold; llave inglesa: monkey wrench; llave de paso:
llavero: keyring; keeper of the keys
llavín: latchkey
llegada: arrival; coming; finishing line
llegar: to arrive; to come; to reach; to get to; to gather; to collect; to bring near
llegarse: to go to
llenar: to fill; to fill in; to fill out; to stuff; to pack; to pervade; to cover; to overwhelm; to load,
to please; to content; to satisfy; to convince
llenarse: to become full; to get crowded or packed; to stuff oneself
llenito: plump
lleno: full; filled; replete; crowded; packed; plenty; full house; de lleno: fully; squarely; luna
llena: full moon
llevadero: bearable; tolerable
llevar: to carry; to convey; to take; to transport; to bear; to wear; to be in; to have on; to hold; to
lead; to guide; to conduct; to induce; to bring; to manage; to run; to be in charge of; to charge; to
ask; to yield; to have; to exceed; to keep
llevarse: to take away; to tear off; to carry; to take; llevarse bien: to get along well
llorar: to cry; to weep; to whine; to moan; to shed tears; to mourn; to lament; to bewail
llorera: fit of crying; blubber
lloriquear: to snivel; to whimper
lloro: weeping; crying; tears
llorón: weeping; crying; weeper; whiner; complainer; moaner; crybaby; sauce llorón: weeping
lloroso: tearful; weeping; sad
llover: to rain; to shower; llover a cántaros: to rain cats and dogs; to rain pitchforks
llovizna: drizzle; sprinkle
lloviznar: to drizzle; to sprinkle