English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

llueve: llover
lluvia: rain; shower; hail
lluvioso: rainy; wet
lo: the; it; that; so; lo que: what; lo cual: which
loa: praise; prologue
loable: praiseworthy; laudable
loar: to praise; to eulogy
loba: she-wolf; soutane; cassock
lobato: wolf cub
lobezno: wolf cub
lobo: wolf; lobe; louch; lobo de mar: old sea dog
lóbrego: gloomy; dark; murky; sad
lóbulo: lobe; lobule
lobuno: wolfish
local: local; place; room; quarters; premises
localidad: place; village; town; locality; seat; ticket
localismo: regional word expression
localización: location; finding
localizar: to find; to locate; to localize; to confine
localizarse: to be located
loción: lotion
loco: mad; crazy; insane; wild; violent; foolish; imprudent; great; abundant; immoderate;
excessive; idle; lunatic person; fool
locomoción: transport; movement; locomotion
locomotor: locomotive; locomotor
locomotora: locomotive; engine
locomotriz: locomotive
locuaz: talkative; loquacious; garrulous
locución: idiom; expression; locution; phrase
locura: madness; lunacy; insanity; folly; foolishness; imprudence; act of madness
locutor: newsreader; newscaster; announcer; presenter
locutorio: visiting room; locutory; parlour; studio; call box; telephone box
lodo: mud; mire
logaritmo: logarithm
logia: lodge; loggia
lógica: logic
lógico: logical; logician; natural; understandable
logística: logistics
logopedia: speech therapy
logotipo: logo
logrado: well done; successful
lograr: to achieve; to manage; to succeed in; to obtain; to acquire; to get; to attain
logro: achievement; accomplishment; attainment; gain; profit; interest; usury
logroñés: inhabitant of Logroño
loma: ridge; hill; eminence; down; slope; long little hill
lombarda: red cabbage; lombard
lombriz: earthworm; lombriz intestinal: roundworm
lomo: back; the lower part of the back; chine; ridge betwwen furrows; ribs; loins; pork loin; fillet
steak; spine
lona: canvas; sailcloth
loncha: slice; rasher; flagstone; slap

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