English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

lúdico: leisure; recreational
luego: then; afterwards; next; later; presently; immediately; therefore; desde luego: of course;
hasta luego: see you later
lueguito: right away; at once
lugar: place; spot; town; city; village; stead; space; room; time; occasion; post; position;
employment; office; cause; reason, rise; tener lugar: to happen
lugareño: local; village; villager
lugarteniente: lieutenant; deputy; substitute
lúgubre: dismal; gloomy; lugubrious; sad
lujo: luxury
lujoso: luxurious; costly; magnificent
lujuria: lust; lewdness; excess; profuseness
lujurioso: lewd; lustful; lecherous
lumbago: lumbago
lumbar: lumbar
lumbre: fire; light; sparkle; clearness; lustre; splendour; forepart of horseshoes
lumbrera: luminary; light-giving body; light; skylight; louver; light shaft; ventilating shaft; part;
luminaria: altar lamp
luminoso: luminous; light; well lit; bright; brilliant; radiant
luminotecnia: lighting
luna: moon; moonlight; satellite; pane; mirror; lens; glass; sunfish; moonfish; luna de miel:
honeymoon; luna nueva: new moon; luna llena: full moon; estar en la luna: to be absent-
lunar: mole; spot; blemish; flaw; lunar
lunático: lunatic; moonstruck
lunes: Monday
luneta: lens; glass; lunette; orchestra seat
lunfardo: underworld slang; thief
lupa: magnifying glass
lupanar: bawdyhouse; brothel
lúpulo: hop; hops
lupus: lupus
lusitano, luso: Portuguese
lustrabotas: shoeshine
lustramuebles: furniture polish
lustrar: to polish; to shine; to lustrate; to purify
lustre: shine; lustre; luster; gloss; polish; glaze; glory; prestige; distinction
lustro: five years; lustrum
lustroso: shiny; glossy; shining; healthy-looking
luteranismo: Lutheranism
luterano: Lutheran
luto: mourning; grief; bereavement
luxación: dislocation; luxation
Luxemburgo: Luxembourg
luz: light; span; luces de cruce: dimmer; dipped headlights
Luzbel: Lucifer; Satan
luzca, luzco: lucir

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