lonchería: restaurant; diner
londinense: Londoner
Londres: London
longaniza: long pork sausage
longevidad: longevity
longevo: longevous; long-lived
longitud: length; longitude
longitudinal: longitudinal
lonja: slice; rasher; strip; exchange; market; grocer's shop; raised porch
lontananza: distance; background; en lontananza: far away; in the distance
look: look
loquera: madness
loquero: psychiatric nurse; shrink; nuthouse; loony bin; folly
lord: lord
Lorena: Lorraine
loriga: lorica; horse armour
loro: parrot; chatterbox; radio cassette player; ghettoblaster; tawny; dark brown
los: the; them
losa: flagstone; stone slab; gravestone; weight; burden
losange: lozenge; diamond
loseta: floor tile; wall tile
lote: share; portion; lot; prize; plot
lotería: lottery; lotto; game of chance
loto: lotus
loza: china; fine earthenware or crockery
lozanía: verdure; luxuriance; bloom; freshness; vigour; pride; haughtiness
lozano: verdant; luxuriant; blooming; fresh; vigorous; proud; haughty
lubina: bass
lubricación: lubrication
lubricante: lubricant
lubricar: to lubricate
lubrificante: lubricant
lubrificar: to lubricate
lucense: inhabitant of Lugo
lucerna: large chandelier hanging from the ceiling; skylight; light shaft; lying gurnard
lucero: any bright star; eyes; lucero del alba: morning star
lucha: fight; battle; combat; strife; struggle; contention, dispute, wrestling
luchador: fighter; struggler; wrestler; fighting
luchar: to fight; to strive; to struggle; to contend; to dispute; to wrestle
lucidez: lucidity
lucido: accomplished; good; prominent; brilliant; successful; splendid; magnificent; generous
lúcido: lucid; bright
luciente: shining; bright; lucent; luminous
luciérnaga: glowworm; firefly
Lucifer: Lucifer; Satan; morning star
lucio: pike; luce; lucid; bright
lucir: to shine; to glitter; to glow; to tinkle; to sparkle; to excel; to be eminent; to prove
profitable; to show; to display; to plaster walls; to whitewash; to illuminate; to light up; to wear
lucirse: to distinguish oneself; to do very well; to do very bad; to show off
lucrativo: lucrative; profitable
lucro: gain; profit; lucre