English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

to make; to cause; to involve
meterse: to get in; to interfere; to intrude; to get mixed up
meterete, metete, metiche: meddling; meddlesome; busybody
meticuloso: meticulous
metido: involved; material allowed in seams; lecture
metílico: methylic
metilo: methyl
metódico: methodical
metodismo: Methodism
metodista: Methodist
método: method; course; technique
metodología: methodology
metomentodo: busybody; meddlesome; interfering
metraje: length of a movie
metralla: shrapnel
metralleta: submachine gun
métrica: metrics
métrico: metric; metrical
metro: metre; meter; underground; subway; tube; tape measure
metrónomo: metronome
metrópoli, metrópolis: metropolis
metropolitano: metropolitan; underground; subway
mexicanismo: Mexicanism
mexicano: Mexican
México: Mexico
mezcal: mescal
mezcla: mixture; blend; mix; mortar; mixing; blending
mezclar: to mix; to mingle; to blend; to intermix; to intermingle; to involve
mezclarse: to get mixed up; to get involved; to take part; to meddle
mezclilla: denim
mezcolanza: hotchpotch; mixture; medley; jumble; hodgepodge
mezquindad: meanness; stinginess; smallness; paltriness; wretchedness; trifle; mean thing;
niggardly act; need; poverty
mezquino: mean; stingy; low; miserable; pitiful; miser; skinflint; wretched; needy; poor
mezquita: mosque
mezquite: mesquite
mi: my; mi; E
mí: me; myself
mía: mine
miaja: bit; scrap; crumb
miasma: miasma
miau: miaow
mica: mica
michelín: roll of fat; spare tyre
mico: monkey; kid
micro: mike; minibus; bus
microbio: microbe; germ
microbiología: microbiology
microbús: minibus
microchip: microchip
microclima: microclimate

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