mitad: half; moiety; middle
mítico: mythical
mitificar: to turn into a legend
mitigar: to mitigate; to alleviate; to allay; to assuage
mitin: meeting; rally
mito: myth; legend
mitología: mythology
mitológico: mythological; mythologist
mitomanía: mythomania
mitómano: mythomaniac; collector of famous people's possessions
mitón: fingerless glove; mitt
mitosis: mitosis
mitra: mitre; miter
mixto: mixed; mingled; crossbred; compound; sulphur match; toasted cheese and ham sandwich
mixtura: mixture; compound
mnemotecnia: mnemonics; mnemotechny
mnemotécnico: mnemonic
mobiliario: furniture; furnishings; movable; personal
moca: mocha; coffee-flavoured cake filling
mocasín: moccasin
mocedad: youth; age of youth; wild oats
mocetón: big lad; strapping youth
mochales: crazy
mochila: backpack; knapsack; haversack
mocho: blunt; truncated; topped tree; cropped; shorn; mop
mochuelo: little owl; omission; cargar con el mochuelo: to get a hard task
moción: motion; movement; divine inspiration
mocito: young man; very young; youngster; lad
moco: mucus; viscid matter; snuff; slag; no ser moco de pavo: not to be despicable
mocoso: ill-bred child; brat; inexperienced youth; snivelly; full of mucus
moda: fashion; mode; style
modales: manners; breeding
modalidad: form; mode; kind; manner of being
modelado: modelled; modeled; modelling; modeling; moulding; molding
modelar: to give form to; to form; to shape; to model; to mould; to mold
modelismo: model-making
modelo: model; patter; outfit
módem: modem
moderación: moderation
moderado: moderate; reasonable
moderador: moderator; moderating
moderar: to moderate; to temper; to restrain; to curb; to lower; to reduce; to chair
moderarse: to control oneself
modernidad: modernity; modernness
modernismo: modernism
modernista: modernist
modernización: modernization
modernizar: to modernize
modernizarse: to modernize
moderno: modern; trendy
modestia: modesty