at ease
molibdeno: molybdenum
molido: ground; minced; shattered; tired out; worn out
molinero: miller
molinete: toy windmill; turnstile; turn; windlass
molinillo: coffee grinder; mill; toy windmill; pinwheel
molino: mill; restless person; molino de viento: windmill
molla: spare tyre; roll of fat
molleja: gizzard; sweetbread
mollera: head; crown of the head; fontanel; brains; sense; duro de mollera: obstinate; dull-
witted; stubborn
mollete: muffin; chubby cheek; fleshy part of the arm
molón: great;
molusco: mollusc; mollusk
momentáneo: momentary; temporary; prompt
momento: moment; instant; present time; weight; importance; al momento: at once
momia: mummy
momificar: to mummify
momificarse: to become mummified
momio: lean; meagre; bargain; sinecure
mona: female monkey; ape; imitator; dear; drunk; drunkenness; old maid; Easter cake
monacal: monastic; monachal
monacato: monasticism; monachism
monada: pretty little thing; pretty child; pretty girl; cajolery; apish action; grimace; tomfoolery
monaguillo: altar boy; acolyte
monarca: monarch
monarquía: monarchy; kingdom
monárquico: monarchical; monarchic; monarchist
monasterio: monastery
monástico: monastic; monastical
monda: peel; parings; prunings; peelings; cleaning; pruning; paring; peeling; pruning season;
ser la monda: to be very funny
mondadientes: toothpick
mondadura: peel; parings; peelings; cleaning; paring; peeling
mondar: to peel; to pare; to hull; to clean; to prune; to trim; to cut the hair of; to fleece
mondarse de risa: to fall about laughing
mondo y lirondo: only; without additions
mondongo: guts; innards; pork products
moneda: coin; money
monedero: purse; moneyer; moneybag
monegasco: Monegasque
monería: monada; pretty action of a child
monetario: monetary; collection of coins and medals
mongol: Mongol; Mongolian
Mongolia: Mongolia
mongólico: with Down's syndrome
mongolismo: Down's syndrome; mongolism
monicaco: little child
monigote: rag doll; paper doll; matchstick people; lay brother
monitor: instructor; monitor; adviser
monja: nun