English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

mordisquear: to nibble
morena: moray; moraine
moreno: dark; tanned; brown; dark-haired; dark-skinned; swarthy; tawny; brunette
morera: white mulberry tree
moretón: bruise
morfina: morphine
morfología: morphology
moribundo: dying; moribund
morillo: firedog; andiron
morir: to die; to expire; to decease; to end; to come out; to die down; to go out; to come to a
morirse: to die; to go out
morisco: Moorish; Moresque
morlaco: bull
mormón: Mormon
moro: Moorish; Moor
morocho: dark-haired; dark-skinned; swarthy; brunette; black person; twin
moroso: defaulting; defaulter; bad debtor
morral: haversack; gamebag; nosebag; wallet; boor; rustic
morralla: junk; trash; rabble; riffraff; small change; small fish
morrear: to snog
morriña: homesickness; nostalgia; blues; melancholy; sadness
morro: snout; nose; nose; front; knob; knoll; pebble; muffle
morrocotudo: tremendous; very important or difficult
morrón: knotted; red pepper
morsa: walrus; morse; very fat person
morse: Morse
mortadela: mortadella; Bologna sausage
mortaja: shroud; winding sheet; mortise; cigarette paper
mortal: mortal, fatal; deadly; exhausting; deathly; sure; conclusive
mortalidad: mortality; death rate
mortandad: mortality; loss of life; massacre; butchery
mortecino: dim; dull; faded; pale; subdued
mortero: mortar
mortífero: deadly; fatal; lethal
mortificar: to mortify; to torment; to annoy; to bother
mortificarse: to torture oneself
mortuorio: death; mortuary; funeral
moruno: Moorish
mosaico: Mosaic; patchwork
mosca: fly; goatee beard; cash; dough; annoyed; mosca muerta: slyboots; por si las moscas:
just in case
moscardón: blowfly; bluebottle; botfly; hornet; pest; pain in the neck
moscatel: muscatel; muscat
moscón: bluebottle; bore; nuisance; maple
moscovita: Muscovite
Moscú: Moscow
mosqueado: annoyed; suspicious; spotted; dotted
mosquear: to annoy; to make suspicious; to drive flies away; to give a sharp retort; to beat; to
mosquearse: to get angry; to get cross; to smell a rat

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