English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

mosqueo: anger
mosquete: musket
mosquetero: musketeer
mosquetón: musket; short carbine; snap link
mosquita: small fly; mosquita muerta: person feigning meekness
mosquitera, mosquitero: mosquito net
mosquito: mosquito; gnat; tippler
mostacho: moustache; smudge on the face; shroud of the bowsprit
mostaza: mustard
mosto: must; grape juice
mostrador: counter; bar; shower; pointer; showing; pointing
mostrar: to show; to display; to exhibit; to reveal; to point out; to demonstrate; to prove
mostrarse: to show; to appear
mostrenco: stupid; idiot; homeless; masterless
mota: speck; fleck; spot; dot; slight defect; burl in cloth; knoll; hummock
mote: nickname; motte; device; boiled maize; boiled corn
moteado: speckled; dotted
motel: motel
motete: motet
motín: uprising riot; mutiny; riot
motivación: motivation; motive
motivar: to motivate; to motive; to cause; to explain; to justify
motivo: motive; reason; cause; motif
moto: motorbike; motorcycle
motocicleta: motorbike; motorcycle
motociclismo: motorcycling
motociclista: motorcyclist
motocross: motocross
motoneta: scooter; moped
motor: motor; engine; dynamic force
motora: motorboat
motorismo: motorcycling; motoring
motorista: motorcyclist; motorist
motorizar: to motorize
motosierra: chain saw
motriz: motor; engine; dynamic force; driving
mountain bike: mountain biking
mousse: mousse
movedizo: movable; unsteady; shaky; fickle; inconstant; arenas movedizas: quicksand
mover: to move; to stir; to shake; to wag; to drive; to actuate; to propel; to provoke; to induce; to
impel, to prompt; to persuade; to raise; to start; to excite; to make
moverse: to move; to toss and turn; to get a move on
movida: scene; fuss
movido: lively; active; busy; restless; hectic; blurred; fuzzy
móvil: mobile; movable; cellular; motive; incentive; inducement
movilidad: mobility; movableness
movilización: mobilization
movilizar: to mobilize
movilizarse: to mobilize
movimiento: movement; motion; gesture; activity; stir; agitation; life; traffic; animation; tempo
moviola: replay

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