English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

náyade: naiad
nazareno: Nazarene; Nazarite; penitent in Holy Week processions
nazi: Nazi
nazismo: Nazism
neblina: mist
nebulosa: nebula
nebuloso: cloudy; foggy; nebulous; gloomy; vague
necedad: stupidity; foolishness; stupid or foolish thing
necesario: necessary; needful
neceser: toilet bag; case; kit
necesidad: need; necessity; want; emergency; hunger; poverty; destitution
necesitado: needy; poor
necesitar: to need; to want; to lack; to have to; to necessitate
necio: stupid; foolish; silly; injudicious; ignorant
nécora: crab
necrofilia: necrophilia
necrología: obituary notice; necrology
necrológica: obituary notice
necrológico: obituary
necrópolis: necropolis; cemetery
néctar: nectar; sweetened fruit juice
nectarina: nectarine
nefasto: ill-fated; bad; harmful; terrible; awful; ominous; funest; noxious
nefritis: nephritis
negación: negation; denial; refusal; negative
negado: useless; hopeless; inapt; incompetent; dull; stupid
negar: to deny; to refuse; to disavow; to forbid; to prohibit; to hide; to conceal
negarse: to refuse
negativa: refusal; denial
negativo: negative; minus
negligencia: negligence; carelessness; neglect
negligente: negligent; careless; neglectful
negociable: negotiable
negociación: negotiation; business transaction
negociado: department; bureau; division; business; affair; shady deal
negociador: negotiator; negotiating
negociante: businessman; trader; dealer; mercenary; ruthless
negociar: to do business; to trade; to deal; to negotiate
negocio: business; deal; transaction; bargain; affair; matter; occupation; work; commerce; trade;
concern; profit; gain
negra: crotchet; quarter note; fencing sword; tener la negra: to have bad luck
negrero: slave trader; slave driver
negrita: bold
negro: black; furious; filthy; fed up; crime; unlucky; wretched
negroide: Negroid
negrura: blackness
negruzco: blackish
nena: little girl; dear; darling
nene: baby; little boy; little girl; dear; darling
nenúfar: water lily
neoclasicismo: neoclassicism

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