nostálgico: homesick; nostalgic; regretful
nota: note; eminence; account; bill; statement; schedule; mark; grade
notable: marked; noticeable; noteworthy; notable; prominent; striking; good mark
notación: notation
notar: to notice; to feel; to observe; to note; to mark; to annotate; to set down; to blame
notarse: to be noticeable
notaría: profession of notary; notary's office; notarial studies
notarial: notarial
notario: notary
noticia: news; news item; notice; report; tidings; knowledge; information; intelligence
noticiario: news reel; newscast
noticiero: news; newsreel; newsman; reporter
notificación: notification; official notice
notificar: to notify of; to inform of; to announce; to intimate; to inform
notoriedad: fame; renown; notoriety; self-evidence
notorio: obvious; clear; well-known; famous; evident; manifest; glaring
novatada: joke; hazing of a new comer; beginner's blunder
novato: inexperienced; beginner; novice; freshman
novecientos: nine hundred
novedad: novelty; newness; change; alteration; recent fashion; surprise; astonishment
novedoso: novel; having novelty
novel: new; inexperienced; beginner
novela: novel; romance; fiction; story; lie; yarn
novelar: to novelize; to make into a novel
novelería: gossip; fondness for novelty; curiosity; worthless fiction
novelero: fond of fiction; romantical; very imaginative; fickle; inconstant
novelista: novelist; novel-writer
novena: novena
noveno: ninth
noventa: ninety; ninetieth
noventavo: ninetieth
novia: bride; girlfriend; fiancée; sweetheart
noviazgo: engagement; betrothal; courtship
noviciado: novitiate; apprenticeship
novicio: new; inexperienced; novice; beginner; tyro
noviembre: November
novillada: fight with young bulls; drove of young bulls
novillero: apprentice bullfighter; truant
novillo: young bull; heifer; hacer novillos: to play hooky
novio: bridegroom; groom; boyfriend; fiancé; suitor; novios: betrothed man and woman; bride
and groom
nubarrón: storm cloud; large black cloud
nube: cloud; swarm; horde; film; spot
nublado: cloudy; overcast; clouded; storm cloud; impending danger; shower
nublar: to cloud
nublarse: to cloud over; to become cloudy; to become fogged
nubosidad: cloudiness; clouds
nuca: nape of the neck
nuclear: nuclear
núcleo: nucleus; essence; core; kernel; stone
nudillo: knuckle