English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

olivarero: olive; olive grower
olivo: olive tree
olla: pot; boiler; kettle; dish of boiled meat and vegetables; eddy; whirlpool; olla exprés:
pressure cooker
olmo: elm tree
olor: smell; odour; fragance; promise; hope
oloroso: fragrant; odorous
olote: corncob without corn kernels
olvidadizo: forgetful; ungrateful
olvidar: to forget; to be forgotten; to leave behind
olvidarse: to forget
olvido: oblivion; forgetfulness; omission; oversight; neglect
ombligo: navel; belly button; centre; middle
omega: omega
ominoso: ominous; of evil omen; awful; odious; execrable
omisión: omission
omiso: neglectful; remiss; careless
omitir: to omit; to drop; to leave out
ómnibus: bus; omnibus; long-distance bus; coach
omnipotente: omnipotent; almighty
omnipresente: omnipresent
omnisciente: omniscient
omnívoro: omnivore; omnivorous
omoplato, omóplato: shoulder blade
onagro: onager
once: eleven; eleventh
onceavo: eleventh
oncología: oncology
onvológico: oncological
onda: wave; ripple; scallop
ondear: to wave; to flutter; to blow about; to rise in waves; to ripple; to undulate
ondulación: undulation; wave
ondulado: wavy; undulating; corrugated; rippled; billowy
ondular: to wave; to flutter; to undulate; to ripple; to billow; to roll
oneroso: onerous; burdensome
onírico: oneiric; relating to dreams
ónix: onyx
onomástica: saint's day
onomástico: onomastic
onomatopeya: onomatopoeia
onomatopéyico: onomatopoeic
onubense: inhabitant of Huelva
onza: ounce; piece; square; cheetah
onzavo: eleventh
OPA: takeover bid
opaco: opaque; dull
ópalo: opal
opción: option; choice; right
opcional: optional
ópera: opera
operación: operation; transaction; deal

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