palmera: palm tree; date palm; palmier; sweet pastry
palmeral: palm grove; date pal groves or plantation
palmero: inhabitant of La Palma; person providing accompaniment with rhythmic clapping;
palm keeper; palmer
palmesano: inhabitant of Palma de Mallorca
palmetazo: stroke of the cane; slap with a ferule
palmípedo: web-footed; palmiped
palmito: palmetto; palm heart; woman's face
palmo: span; palm; palmo a palmo: inch by inch
palmotear: to clap hands; to applaud
palo: stick; staff; pole; mast; blow with a stick; stalk of fruit; suit at cards; long stroke in
handwriting; execution on the gallows or on the garrote; wood; wooden
paloduz: liquorice; licorice
paloma: pigeon; dove
palomar: dovecote; pigeon-house; hard-twisted
palometa: bream; wing nut
palomilla: wing nut; wall bracket; small butterfly; journal bearing
palomino: young pigeon; bird droppings
palomita: anisette with water; dive; little pigeon; darling; palomitas: popcorn
palomo: cock pigeon; wood pigeon
palote: stick; drumstick; stroke; rolling pin
palpable: palpable; obvious; evident
palpación: palpation; medical examination
palpar: to feel; to touch; to sense; to grope through; to see as self-evident; to palpate
palpitación: palpitation; pulsation; throbbing; beating
palpitante: palpitating; burning; beating
palpitar: to palpitate; to pulsate; to throb; to thrill; to reveal itself
pálpito: hunch; feeling
palta: avocado
paludismo: malaria; paludism
palurdo: uncouth; ignorant; rustic; rude; yokel
palustre: marshy; paludal; trowel
pamela: wide-brimmed hat
pamema: nonsense; trifle; bunkum
pampa: pampa
pámpano: vine shoot; gilthead
pamplina: nonsense; trifle; silly thing; flattery; chickweed; a kind of yellow poppy
pamplonés: inhabitant of Pamplona
pamplonica: pamplonés
pan: bread; loaf; leaf; foil; pan ázimo: unleavened bread; pan candeal: white-wheat bread; pan
integral: whole-wheat bread; pan rallado: bread crumbs; ganarse el pan: to earn one's living;
contigo pan y cebolla: love in a cottage; pan de oro: gold leaf
pana: corduroy; velveteen; flooring board; breakdown
panacea: panacea
panadería: baker's; bakery
panadero: baker
panadizo: felon; whitlow
panal: honeycomb
Panamá: Panama
panamá: Panama hat; canvas
panameño: Panamanian