English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

pesadez: heaviness; burdensomeness; tiresomeness; irksomeness; drowsiness; sultriness;
slowness; clumsiness; gravity; fullness; bore; pain
pesadilla: nightmare
pesado: heavy; ponderous; burdensome; hard to endure; annoying; tiresome; tiring; boring;
clumsy; slow; sluggish; deep sleep; drowsy; sultry; close; stuffy; fat; corpulent; bore; pain
pesadumbre: grief; sorrow; regret; heaviness
pesaje: weighing; weigh-in
pésame: condolence; condolences
pesar: sorrow; regret; grief; repentance; to weigh; to scale; to cause sorrow or regret; a pesar
de: in spite of; despite
pesca: fishing; angling; catch; salted codfish
pescada: hake
pescadería: fishmonger's shop; fish market
pescadero: fishmonger
pescadilla: a kind of hake
pescado: fish; salted codfish
pescador: fisherman; fisher; angler; fishing
pescante: driver's seat; coach box; front seat; arm; bracket; davit
pescar: to fish; to catch; to draw out of water; to take; to get; to angle
pescozón: slap on the neck
pescuezo: neck; haughtiness
pese: pese a: in spite of; despite
pesebre: manger; crib; rack
peseta: peseta
pesetero: money-loving
pesimismo: pessimism
pesimista: pessimist; pessimistic
pésimo: dreadful; awful; very bad; wretched
peso: weight; heaviness; gravity; weighing; balance; scales; due weight; judgement; good sense;
load; burden; shot; peso
pespunte: backstitch
pespuntear: to backstitch
pesquero: fishing; fishing boat
pesquisa: inquiry; investigation; search
pestaña: eyelash; edging; fringe; rim; flap; tab; flange; cilia
pestañear: to blink; to wink
peste: plague; pest; pestilence; epidemic; stink; stench; evil; excess; superabundance; nuisance;
decir pestes: to talk ill
pesticida: pesticide
pestilencia: pestilence; stink; stench
pestilente: foul-smelling; pestilent; stinking
pestillo: bolt; latch
pestiño: type of fritter topped with honey
petaca: tobacco pouch; hip flask; suitcase; compact; leather covered chest
pétalo: petal
petanca: pétanque; bowls game played with metal balls
petardo: firecracker; petard; ugly person; cheat; swindle; deception
petate: kitbag; sleeping mat; bedding and clothes of a soldier or prisoner; luggage
petenera: type of flamenco song
petición: petition; demand; prayer; request; asking; claim; bill
peticionar: to petition

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