English-Spanish, Spanish-English dictionary

(singke) #1

to break; to itch; to be hot; to fall for it; to prick; to pierce; to puncture; to staccato; to dive; to
take the bait
picarse: to become pitted with holes; to decay; to become vinegary; to become moth-eaten; to
get annoyed; to take offence; to become choppy; to get rough; to shoot up
picardía: knavery; cunning; slyness; roguishness; archness; prank; rude comment
picaresca: rogues or picaros; guile; picaresque novel
picaresco: roguish; picaresque
pícaro: cunning; cheeky; rogue; knave; picaro; roguish; knavish; mischievous; sly
picatoste: crouton; buttered toast
picazón: itch; itching; feeling of remorse; annoyance, displeasure
picea: spruce
pichel: pewter tankard; mug
pichi: pinafore dress
pichicata: dope
pichicatero: junkie
pichincha: bargain
pichón: young pigeon; chick; darling; dearest
pickles: pickles; pickled vegetables
picnic: picnic
pico: beak; bill; mouth; eloquence; fluency; spout; corner; peak; pick; pickaxe; small surplus;
some money; fortune; shot; cierra el pico: shut up!
picor: itch; itching; burning of the palate
picoso: hot; peppery; pock-marked
picota: bigarreau cherry; pillory
picotazo: peck; to peck at; sting
picotear: to peck; to peck at; to eat between meals; to snack; to toss the head; to chatter
pictografía: pictography; picture writing
pictórico: pictorial
pido, pida: pedir
pídola: leapfrog
pidón: pedigüeño
pie: foot; bottom; lowest part; stem; base; stand; footing; ground; trunk; stalk; motive; occasion;
root; cue; en pie: standing; no dar pie con bola: to do nothing right; no tener ni pies ni cabeza:
not to make sense; buscar tres pies al gato: to look for troubles; poner pies en polvorosa: to
flee; a pies juntillas: firmly; al pie de la letra: literally; to the letter; andarse con pies de
plomo: to be very careful
piedad: mercy; piety; compassion; godliness; por piedad: for pity's sake
piedra: stone; flint; hail; hailstone; calculus; point; piedra angular: cornerstone; piedra de
toque: touchstone; piedra pómez: pumice stone
piel: skin; hide; pelt; leather; fur; peel; piel de gallina: goose flesh; dejarse la piel: to give
everything; piel roja: redskin; American Indian
piélago: sea; high sea; countless number
pienso: fodder; feed; pensar
pierdo, pierda: perder
pierna: leg; branch; long stroke; shank; fork; dormir a pierna suelta: to be fast asleep
pieza: piece; fragment; part; single article of a collection; coin; cannon; gun; play; game; quarry;
bolt; roll; room; pieza de repuesto: spare part
pífano: fife; fifer
pifia: gaffe; blunder; mistake; miscue
pifiar: to miscue
pigmentación: pigmentation

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